(Forgive my cross-posting, but this is both an end-user request and a volunteer to aid in development.)

Browsing through the lists, it doesn't look like anyone has gotten Java Driven mode to work in some time. If so, I'd like to help fix it.

http://www.google.com/search?q=site:lists.public.thoughtworks.org%20java%20driven http://tinyurl.com/dmmzq

I, like others, are getting SeleniumCommandTimedOutExceptions... I couldn't find an issue in JIRA, so I filed one myself. http://jira.public.thoughtworks.org/browse/SEL-166

It looks like people seem to think that nobody uses Java driven mode:
http://lists.public.thoughtworks.org/pipermail/selenium-devel/2005-October/000792.html http://tinyurl.com/dexnj

Poking through the code in Eclipse, it looks to me like it's an issue with deadlocking around the SingleEntryAsyncQueue. On top of this, I have no evidence that logging works at all, which makes debugging problems really fun and exciting.

All of the pieces are there to get Java Driven mode to work, but it doesn't look like it actually *does* work. Of course, it's hard to tell, because there's no installation/configuration documentation for the Java driver! That's only compounded by the fact that the link on the downloads page doesn't even really point to the 0.6.0 Java driver; it points to the 0.5.0 driver.

Can anyone confirm whether it works for them, by pulling down the archive and running the Ant script?


If, as I suspect, it isn't working at all, then I'd like to volunteer to resuscitate it. (Furthermore, I think it'd be a terrible loss if it went away permanently in 0.7.0!)

Using a Java driver in Selenium should be a winning combination for the Java (JSF) web application I'm testing... it would make it really easy for me to use the Java business objects to configure the back end, then initiate browser connections to verify functionality in the UI.

If if Selenium is Javascript-only, then I won't have any way to directly verify that actions in the UI have had the correct effect on the database; I'll only be able to verify them *using* the UI, which just makes my life more difficult.

Thanks for reading all this. Please let me know if Java driven mode works for you and, if not, whether I can help in fixing it.

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