Hello Alex,

I used link and it still does not work. I have the code for search link and search button below. Any help will be apprecaited.

Code for search link:

<a href="" class="app_nav" id="search" name="search" >Search</a>

Code for search button:

<tr valign="top"><td width="45%" valign="top" class="defaultStyle" colspan="4"><nobr><input id="search" name="search" class="nxt_button" value="Search" type="submit" >

Alexandre Garel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tushar Shah a écrit :

> Hi All,
> I am testing a web application. In one of the page, i have 1 search
> link and 1 search button.
> I am able to access the search link correctly with the code:
> clickAndWait
> search
> Even for the search button, i have the same code: which in turn does
> not work, because i guess it is using the same name: search
Try seeing the doc about locators. You should use link=search for the
search link and maybe name=search for your button. If it does not work,
tell us how your search button is defined in your html source.


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