Hi ,

I am having this problem of clickin on a row /or a specific text of a row .
eg: There is a table with controls new and edit ; data is on couple of rows with names...say A and B.
By default , EDIT button is Disabled ; only upon clicking on the row or the name A or B -> Edit button is enabled.

So this is the action i am trying to do , through giving up the id of the row to click upon.

Command Usage :
//used the 'id' field of the row to click on...
click    |   id='taskList_rowurn:set:1001:td:0000000000010816'  
       -Didnt work

//specific to the column 5 of the row :
click    | [EMAIL PROTECTED]'taskList_rowurn:set:1001:td:0000000000010816' ]/td[5]      -Didnt work

//I am unable to figure out the event associated exactly , but the DOM viewer showed up the focus function in the list.
fireEvent | [EMAIL PROTECTED]'taskList_rowurn:set:1001:td:0000000000010816' ]/td[5  | focus   -Didnt work

Can anyone please help me out in getting through this...and also if there is some user extensions you have written up on click or some other functionality to handle
this kinds of situation , can you please post me with the same....

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