siva reddy a écrit :
Hi, I am porting the same againg. Any body has any idea
about this. Please respond.
I am using selenium Test runner mode and its working
fine  for me.
 I need a small help regarding the capturing of
test cases so that I can anaylyze the test cases
were failed ,after completion of execution. Is there
any to capture and store all the test cases some
on disk, those were failed while running. when I use (auto=true) mode Selenium stops when a
command fails. Is there a way to continue running
selenium even though a command failed.

Hello, I don't really know the subject so please forgive me if I tell something wrong : I guess that if selenium fails on a assert then it continues with other tests, but when it's a command that fails, it hangs and does not post any results (or at least does not run the other tests).
Maybe you should post an issue on JIRA to ask for this improvement.
In the mean time, maybe you should try to put some assert before executing some commands, to avoid failing. For example, before any action on a page it's good to assert you're on the good page (assertTitle), or after a search, before executing an action on an item, assert it is present.
Hope it helps


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