Hi Udi Oron,

thanks for the great contribution (and sorry for the delay in answering)! I 
was already wondering how right-to-left writing would work with our parser 
extensions. If the direction of all text is swapped, then some 
non-internationalised texts such as "<ask>" should be inverted wrongly, or do 
you also prefer to read such English tags from right to left in this context? 
(Sorry for the stupid questions, but I have no experience with such issues). 
Are any further fixes needed to make SMW fully work in the both directions?

Or, more generally speaking: should "technical" tags such as <ask> and their 
parameters also be translated?

I will now merge and check in the patch you have provided so far. If you 
happen to have MediaWiki SVN access, feel free to update the language and 
rtl-css files whenever you want. Otherwise you can (a) send your changes via 
email to this list, or (b) ask Brion for SVN access. The messages in SMW are 
extended from time to time. For languages that we do not speak, we usually 
provide English default texts with TODO-comments to simplify updating the 

Best regards,


On Sunday 04 February 2007 03:42, Udi Oron wrote:
> Hi!
> My name is Udi Oron, and I am from Israel.
> I am currently setting up a new version for a Hebrew/Israeli website
> focusing on nature and hiking -
> The first version site was built by Amit Mendelson, an Israeli nature
> enthusiast and activist.
> Amit have gathered alot of data and pictures, traveling all around
> Israel nature, and not less important, through various committees
> meetings, where he kept his ears and eyes open, and later reporteing and
> warning about important  development and environmental issues.
> He is updating nature lovers about the status of nature reserves through
> the website and as a manager of an important internet discussion group.
> The original site was also built by him mostly in static HTML with a few
> touches of ASP and some frames...
> The website was available under www.inature.info , and another malformed
> version can be still seen at www.inature1.info
> As I said, I am setting up a new install at:
> http://inature.dreamhosters.info/w (it will later be available at the
> old original domain)
> I believe SematicMediaWiki is an amazing tool, and should be the one
> running our website - we would like to be able to xref hikes, nature
> reserve, plants, and GIS info alongside with maps.
> I have installed SemanticMediaWiki and made the first translation to
> Hebrew (not yet complete).
> Since Hebrew is a Right-to-Left (rtl) writing system, some tweaks are
> also required for proper display. (this has been already done on
> MonoBook and other skins, see: http://he.wikipedia.org )
> CSS changes are traditionaly saved in an additional xxxx_rtl.css file,
> overloading regular ltr attributes.
> I am attaching a patch with the initial translation and CSS files.
> I would be very happy to continue the translation and keep maintaining
> the Hebrew translation.
> (I am familiar with SVN.)
> Other projects I'm involved in:
> - I am the developer and webmaster of Flora of Israel Online:
> http://flora.huji.ac.il , alongside the botanist Prof. Avinoam Danin of
> The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
> - I am an editor at the Open Directory Project, focusing at the Hebrew
> category ( http://dmoz.org/World/Hebrew/ ).
> And I've got a newbie question:
> How do I force all pages to recreate/purge/refresh, so they will appear
> in semantic searches?
> Thank you!
> Udi Oron,
> Israel

Markus Krötzsch
Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, D-76128 Karlsruhe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        phone +49 (0)721 608 7362
www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/WBS/     fax +49 (0)721 693  717

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