OK, poll closed. Thanks to all who shared their thoughts on this. We 
discussed, and I have now implemented the solution with ".". The SVN version 
already supports this syntax. Here are some examples to explain the new 

A query for people (or anything) born in a place that is located in Germany:

{{#ask: [[born in.located in::Germany]] }}

The old query (still works):

{{#ask: [[born in::<q>[[located in::Germany]]</q>]] }}

In that syntax, all but the last property in a chain must of course be of type 
Page (i.e. be a "relation"). The last part can be anything, e.g.

{{#ask: [[born in.population::< 1000]] }}

In the rest of this mail, I will explain how to deal with cases where "." 
or "::" is part of a page name and should not be interpreted in a special way 
by #ask.

Firstly, to ask for a property that really has a "." in its name, use an 
initial space:

{{#ask: [[ strange.name::Germany]] }}

This example finds all things having the value "Germany" 
for "Property:strange.name".

Secondly, you can also now ask for pages that have a :: in their name, e.g.

{{#ask: [[:std::out]] }}

returns "std::out" as its only result (this is useful to print property values 
for this particular thing). Here we use an initial ":" as you would also do 
in MediaWiki for [[:Category:Test]] or in SMW for non-semantic links 
[[:std::out]]. Note the difference to the above:

{{#ask: [[:strange.name::Germany]] }}

is a query for one page, called "strange.name::Germany".

Thirdly, there is no way to use property names that contain "::" (the above 
only uses some page names with "::"). This should be clear and is no concern 
to us; no SMW wiki should use properties with such::a::name.

Finally, since I am talking about "escaping" problemantic symbols, I also 
recall that SMW's special comparator symbols (like "<" in the population 
query above) can also be used in property values. For example

{{#ask: [[property::<test>]] }}

would look for all things with a value alphabetically smaller than "test>" 
(where I assume that "property" has Type:String), which is probably not 
desired. But

{{#ask: [[property:: <test>]] }}

really looks for things with value "<test>".

So, in general, initial ":" and " " are used in #ask to prevent some symbols 
from having their special meaning (and both have their use and cannot replace 
the other). I hope that this is not relevant in most cases anyway, but of 
course we also want to cover the corner cases.



On Freitag, 6. Juni 2008, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a proposal for a simplification in #ask query syntax that I would
> like to get some feedback on.
> If you currently ask for property chains, you need something like the
> following:
> {{#ask: [[works at::<q>[[located
> in::<q>[[population::>1000000]]</q>]]</q>]]}}
> to find someone working at an organisation located in a place with more
> than 1000000 inhabitants. The many [[ and <q> are sure annoying.
> My proposal is to instead allow writing
> {{#ask: [[works at.located in.population::>1000000]] }}
> with exactly the same interpretation as above.
> Effects:
> * "." in property names become problematic (though some escape can be
> provided to allow them),
> * the syntax becomes shorter, and maybe also more readable.
> Would that be an improvement? Other comments? (There is also another issue
> regarding the syntax with <q>, but I will have to check what can be done
> there before proposing alternatives.)
> Cheers
> Markus

Markus Krötzsch
Semantic MediaWiki    http://semantic-mediawiki.org
http://korrekt.org    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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