
Semantic Result Formats (SRF), the add-on package for query formats in SMW, 
has just been extended with two great additions for powerful data 
visualisation: Ploticus and Exhibit.

* Ploticus (by Joel Natividad) is a format for creating diagrams based on the 
free Ploticus software package. It will provide a powerful alternative to the 
existing GooglePie and GoogleBar formats (which can only be used when sending 
all your data to Google).

* Exhibit (by Fabian Howahl) is a format for creating dynamic data views where 
result sets can be browsed, filtered, and displayed in maps and timelines, 
based on the Exhibit software by MIT CSAIL. Some modest examples I have 
created so far are at [1] (try clicking on the criteria on the right) and at 

More information on Exhibit is available on the MIT blog [3], where there will 
also be some details on upcoming options for using this *across* sites (i.e. 
the data comes from one or more other wikis). There will also be Wordpress 

Both new formats are still lacking regular documentation at semantic-
mediawiki.org -- I hope that this will follow soon. Also, a number of bugs are 
expected (and partly known). Right now, the formats are only available from 
SVN, but the next SRF release will surely include them. Remember that non-
stable formats need to be explicitly enabled *after* loading SRF, e.g.:

require_once( 'extensions/SemanticResultFormats/SRF_Settings.php' );
$srfgFormats[] = 'exhibit';

Feedback is welcome (bugs can be reported at MediaZilla).



[1] http://semanticweb.org/wiki/User:Markus_Krötzsch/Browse_tools
[2] http://semanticweb.org/wiki/User:Markus_Krötzsch/Map_example 
[3] http://groups.csail.mit.edu/haystack/blog/2008/12/19/exhibit-and-semantic-

Markus Krötzsch
Semantic MediaWiki    http://semantic-mediawiki.org
http://korrekt.org    mar...@semantic-mediawiki.org

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