hi there,

I have a problem when using getPropertySubjects from the SMWSQLStore2 class.
I have a SMW system with SMWHalo and SemanticForms installed. I want to 
retrieve all pages using a specific SF. So I am using the following code 
snippet to test:

$__tmpList = SFUtils::getAllForms(); // works fine
   $__store = smwfGetStore(); // works fine
   foreach ($__tmpList as $__tmpSF){
    $__tmpPropertyForSF = SMWPropertyValue::makeProperty("Has default 
form"); // with makeUserProperty didn't work either
SMWWikiPageValue::makePage($__tmpSF, SF_NS_FORM)));

Unfortunately no results are returned. And I expect that there are some, 
since there are SFs defined in the wiki and they are assigned to categories.
Any suggestions?

Best regards,

p.s. The code snippet can be tested on any SMW system with the two 
extensions installed.

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