Markus, Fabian, and everyone:

Attached is a patch that will add appropriate code to all the files in the /languages directory for which I was able to provide language-appropriate month names and symbols for calendars and twelve-hour annotations for the latest version of SMW_DV_Time.php. I have carefully scrubbed this patch of any references either to my old custom data type or to any language file that SMW does /not/ have by default.

This patch contains lists of month names (including several that did not previously exist in some of the files), am/pm symbols, calendar symbols, and regular expressions for finding these symbols. The patch also contains some namespace translations that had not been previously provided, and in at least one case, an extensive list of English aliases.

The file SMW_Language.php contains definitions of the necessary functions, and defaults for the returned variables.

When this patch is applied, the internationalization of SMW_DV_Time.php will work.

Only in .: languages.patch
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageDe.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageDe.php        
2009-02-25 20:48:16.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_LanguageDe.php        2009-08-14 19:26:51.000000000 -0400
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
  * "printout statement" --> Ausgabeanweisung
  * @author Markus Krötzsch
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -118,6 +120,24 @@
 protected $m_months = array("Januar", "Februar", "März", "April", "Mai", 
"Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember");
-protected $m_monthsshort = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mär", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", 
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mrz", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", 
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("Aviv", "Siw", "Sivan", "Tammus", "Aw", "Elul", 
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("Avi", "Siw", "Siv", "Tam", "Aw", "Elu", 
+protected $m_monthsH = array("Nisan", "Ijjar", "Siwan", "Tammus", "Aw", 
"Elul", "Tischri", "Cheschwan", "Kislew", "Tevet", "Schevat", "Adar", "WeAdar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("Nis", "Ijj", "Siw", "Tam", "Aw", "Elu", 
"Tis", "Che", "Kis", "Tev", "Sch", "Ada", "Wea"); 
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "AD", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "AC", "BCE" 
=> "vdZ", "CE" => "vuZ",
+               "Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" 
=> "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(A[CDM]|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS|v[du]Z)/u";
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageEn.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageEn.php        
2009-02-25 20:50:02.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_LanguageEn.php        2009-08-14 18:48:46.000000000 -0400
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
  * English language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, 
  * @author Markus Krötzsch
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -80,6 +81,23 @@
 protected $m_monthsshort = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", 
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("Abib", "Zif", "Sivan", "Tammuz", "Av", "Elul", 
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("Abi", "Zif", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Elu", 
+protected $m_monthsH = array("Nisan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tammuz", "Av", "Elul", 
"Tishrei", "Cheshvan", "Kislev", "Teveth", "Shevat", "Adar", "Veadar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("Nis", "Iya", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Elu", 
"Tis", "Che", "Kis", "Tev", "She", "Ada", "Vea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "AD", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "BC", "BCE" 
=> "BCE", "CE" => "CE",
+               "Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" 
=> "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(A[DM]|BC(E)?|CE|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageEs.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageEs.php        
2009-02-25 20:51:20.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_LanguageEs.php        2009-08-14 19:30:24.000000000 -0400
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
  * Spanish language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, 
  * @author Javier Calzada Prado, Carmen Jorge García-Reyes, Universidad 
Carlos III de Madrid, Jesús Espino García
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -88,8 +90,8 @@
        SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK  => "Discusión_atributo",
        SMW_NS_TYPE           => "Tipos_de_datos",
        SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK      => "Discusión_tipos_de_datos",
-       SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => 'Concept', // TODO: translate
-       SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Concept_talk' // TODO: translate
+       SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => 'Concepto',
+       SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Discusión_concepto'
 protected $m_NamespaceAliases = array(
@@ -104,6 +106,26 @@
        'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), 
+protected $m_months = array("enero", "febrero", "marzo", "abril", "mayo", 
"junio", "julio", "agosto", "septiembre", "octubre", "noviembre", "diciembre");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("ene", "feb", "mar", "abr", "may", "jun", 
"jul", "ago", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dic");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("abib", "ziv", "sivan", "tamuz", "av", "elul", 
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("abi", "ziv", "siv", "tam", "av", "elu", 
+protected $m_monthsH = array("nisán", "iyar", "siván", "tamuz", "av", 
"elul", "tishrei", "jeshván", "kislev", "tevet", "shevat", "adar", "veadar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("nis", "iya", "siv", "tam", "av", "elu", 
"tis","jes","kis","tev","she","ada", "vea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "dC", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "aC", "BCE" 
=> "AEC", "CE" => "EC",
+               "Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" 
=> "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(A(EC|M)|[Ead]C|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageFr.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageFr.php        
2009-02-25 20:56:07.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_LanguageFr.php        2009-08-14 19:48:43.000000000 -0400
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
  * French language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, datatypes,...).
  * @author Pierre Matringe
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -105,6 +107,28 @@
        'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), 
+protected $m_months = array("janvier", "février", "mars", "avril", "mai", 
"juin", "juillet", "août", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "décembre");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("jan", "fév", "mar", "avr", "mai", "jun", 
"jul", "aoû", "sep", "oct", "nov", "déc");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("Aviv", "Zif", "Sivan", "Tammouz", "Av", 
"Elloul", "Ethanim","Boul","Kislev","Tébeth","Schébat","Adar");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("Avi", "Zif", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Ell", 
+protected $m_monthsH = array("Nissan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tammouz", "Av", 
"Elloul", "Tisseri", "Heshvan", "Kislev", "Tébeth", "Schébat", "Adar", 
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("Nis", "Iya", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Ell", 
"Tis","Hes","Kis","Téb","Sch","Ada", "Vea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "ApJ-C", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "AvJ-C", 
"BCE" => "AEC", "CE" => "EC",
+               "Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JJ", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" 
=> "JJM", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/A((E|[pv]J-)C|M)|EC|Gr|He|J(J(M)?|l)|OS/u";
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageIt.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageIt.php        
2009-02-25 20:59:34.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_LanguageIt.php        2009-08-14 20:12:57.000000000 -0400
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
  * @author Davide Eynard
  * @author David Laniado
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -46,6 +47,18 @@
        'Intero'      => '_num',
        'Enumeration' => '_str',
        'Enumerazione'=> '_str'
+       // support English aliases:
+       'Page'                  => '_wpg',
+       'String'                => '_str',
+       'Text'                  => '_txt',
+       'Boolean'               => '_boo',
+       'Number'                => '_num',
+       'Geographic coordinate' => '_geo',
+       'Temperature'           => '_tem',
+       'Date'                  => '_dat',
+       'Email'                 => '_ema',
+       'Annotation URI'        => '_anu'
 protected $m_SpecialProperties = array(
@@ -65,16 +78,49 @@
 protected $m_Namespaces = array( // TODO: translate (English aliases can be 
kept, see other language files
-       SMW_NS_RELATION       => 'Relation',
-       SMW_NS_RELATION_TALK  => 'Relation_talk',
-       SMW_NS_PROPERTY       => 'Property',
-       SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK  => 'Property_talk',
-       SMW_NS_TYPE           => 'Type',
-       SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK      => 'Type_talk',
-       SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => 'Concept',
-       SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Concept_talk'
+       SMW_NS_RELATION       => 'Relazione',
+       SMW_NS_RELATION_TALK  => 'Discussione_relazione',
+       SMW_NS_PROPERTY       => 'Proprietà',
+       SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK  => 'Discussione_proprietà',
+       SMW_NS_TYPE           => 'Tipo',
+       SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK      => 'Discussione_tipo',
+       SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => 'Concetto',
+       SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Discussione_concetto'
+protected $m_NamespaceAliases = array(
+       // support English aliases for namespaces
+       'Relation'      => SMW_NS_RELATION,
+       'Relation_talk' => SMW_NS_RELATION_TALK,
+       'Property'      => SMW_NS_PROPERTY,
+       'Property_talk' => SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK,
+       'Type'          => SMW_NS_TYPE,
+       'Type_talk'     => SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK,
+       'Concept'       => SMW_NS_CONCEPT,
+       'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), 
+protected $m_months = array("Gennaio", "Febbraio", "Marzo", "Aprile", 
"Maggio", "Giugno", "Luglio", "Agosto", "Settembre", "Ottobre", "Novembre", 
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("Gen", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mag", "Giu", 
"Lug", "Ago", "Set", "Ott", "Nov", "Dic");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("Abib", "Ziv", "sivan", "tamuz", "av", "elul", 
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("Abi", "Ziv", "siv", "tam", "av", "elu", 
+protected $m_monthsH = array("Nisan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tammuz", "Av", "Elul", 
"Tishri", "Cheshvan", "Kislev", "Tevet", "Shevat", "Adar", "Veadar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("Nis", "Iya", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Elu", 
"Tis","Che","Kis","Tev","She","Ada", "Vea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "dC", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "aC", "BCE" 
=> "aev", "CE" => "ev",
+               "Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "Eb", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Gl", "MJD" 
=> "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(AM|[ad]C|(a)?ev|Eb|G[lr]|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageKo.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageKo.php        
2009-02-25 21:01:24.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_LanguageKo.php        2009-08-14 20:17:47.000000000 -0400
@@ -113,6 +113,23 @@
        'Concept'       => SMW_NS_CONCEPT,
        'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), 
+protected $m_months = array("1 월", "2 월", "3 월", "4 월", "5 월", "6 
월", "7 월", "8 월", "9 월", "10 월", "11 월", "12 월");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("1 월", "2 월", "3 월", "4 월", "5 월", 
"6 월", "7 월", "8 월", "9 월", "10 월", "11 월", "12 월");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("1 월", "2 월", "3 월", "4 월", "5 월", "6 
월", "7 월", "8 월", "9 월", "10 월", "11 월", "12 월");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("1 월", "2 월", "3 월", "4 월", "5 
월", "6 월", "7 월", "8 월", "9 월", "10 월", "11 월", "12 월");
+protected $m_monthsH = array("1 월", "2 월", "3 월", "4 월", "5 월", "6 
월", "7 월", "8 월", "9 월", "10 월", "11 월", "12 월", "13 월");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("1 월", "2 월", "3 월", "4 월", "5 월", 
"6 월", "7 월", "8 월", "9 월", "10 월", "11 월", "12 월", "13 월");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "오전", "pm" => "오후");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040오[전후]/u";
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageNl.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageNl.php        
2009-02-25 21:03:25.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_LanguageNl.php        2009-08-14 20:20:50.000000000 -0400
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
  * Dutch language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, datatypes,...).
  * @author Siebrand Mazeland
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -104,4 +105,27 @@
        'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), 
+protected $m_months = array("januari", "februari", "maart", "april", "mei", 
"juni", "juli", "augustus", "september", "oktober", "november", "december");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("jan", "feb", "maa", "apr", "mei", "jun", 
"jul", "aug", "sep", "okt", "nov", "dec");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("abib", "ziv", "siewan", "tammoez", "aaw", 
"elloel", "etanim","bul","kisleew", "teweet", "sjewat", "adar");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("abi", "ziv", "sie", "tam", "aaw", "ell", 
+protected $m_monthsH = array("niesan", "ijar", "siewan", "tammoez", "aaw", 
"elloel", "tisjrie", "chesjwan", "kisleew", "teweet", "sjewat", "adar", 
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("nie", "ija", "sie", "tam", "aaw", "ell", 
"tis","che","kis","tew","sje","ada", "vea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "nChr", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "vChr", 
"BCE" => "vdj", "CE" => "gj",
+               "Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" 
=> "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(AM|[nv]Chr|(vd|g)j|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_Language.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_Language.php  2009-02-25 
19:48:53.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_Language.php  2009-08-14 17:17:34.000000000 -0400
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
  * Base class for all SMW language classes.
  * @author Markus Krötzsch
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -32,10 +33,33 @@
        /// Twelve strings briefly naming the months. English is always 
supported in Type:Date, so
        /// the default is simply empty (no labels in addition to English)
        protected $m_monthsshort = array();
+       /// Twelve strings naming the Biblical months. English is always 
supported in Type:Date, so
+       /// the default is simply empty (no labels in addition to English)
+       protected $m_monthsAM = array();
+       /// Twelve strings briefly naming the Biblical months. English is 
always supported in Type:Date, so
+       /// the default is simply empty (no labels in addition to English)
+       protected $m_monthsshortAM = array();
+       /// Thirteen strings naming the Hillel months. English is always 
supported in Type:Date, so
+       /// the default is simply empty (no labels in addition to English)
+       protected $m_monthsH = array();
+       /// Thirteen strings briefly naming the Hillel months. English is 
always supported in Type:Date, so
+       /// the default is simply empty (no labels in addition to English)
+       protected $m_monthsshortH = array();
        /// Preferred interpretations for dates with 1, 2, and 3 components. 
There is an array for
        /// each case, and the constants define the obvious order (e.g. SMW_YDM 
means "first Year,
        /// then Day, then Month). Unlisted combinations will not be accepted 
at all.
        protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), 
+       /// Two strings used as annotations for the twelve-hour clock 
convention. Most languages do not
+       /// observe such a convention. American English is supported in 
Type:Date, so that by
+       /// default the symbol for "am" is "am" and for "pm", "pm".
+       protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+       /// A regex for searching for an am/pm annotation. Default is the 
English version.
+       protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+       /// Several strings naming the calendars and distinguishing AD/CE from 
+       protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "AD", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "BC", 
"BCE" => "BCE", "CE" => "CE",
+               "Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" 
=> "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+       /// A regex for searching for a calendar symbol. Default is the English 
+       protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(A[DM]|BC(E)?|CE|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
@@ -107,12 +131,105 @@
+        * As above, but for Biblical (AM) months
+        */
+       function findMonthAM($label) {
+               $id = array_search($label, $this->m_monthsAM);
+               if ($id !== false) {
+                       return $id+1;
+               }
+               $id = array_search($label, $this->m_monthsshortAM);
+               if ($id !== false) {
+                       return $id+1;
+               }
+               return false;
+       }
+       /**
+        * As above, but for Hillel II (H) months.
+        */
+       function findMonthH($label) {
+               $id = array_search($label, $this->m_monthsH);
+               if ($id !== false) {
+                       return $id+1;
+               }
+               $id = array_search($label, $this->m_monthsshortH);
+               if ($id !== false) {
+                       return $id+1;
+               }
+               return false;
+       }
+       /**
         * Return the name of the month with the given number.
        function getMonthLabel($number) {
+       /**
+        * Return the name of the Biblical (AM) month with the given number.
+        */
+       function getMonthLabelAM($number) {
+         return 
+       }
+       /**
+        * Return the name of the Hillel II (H) month with the given number.
+        */
+       function getMonthLabelH($number) {
+         return 
+       }
+       /**
+        * Function translates a language-specific am/pm note into its English 
+        * if necessary.
+        */
+       function findAmPm($label) {
+               $id = array_search($label, $this->m_ampm);
+               if ($id !== false) {
+                       return $id;
+               }
+               return false;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Return the language-specific equivalent of an internally-used am/pm 
+        */
+       function getAmPmLabel ($symbol) {
+               return 
+       }
+       /**
+        * Return the language-specific regex for searching for an am/pm label
+        */
+       function getRgxAmPm() {
+               return $this->m_rgxampm;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Function translates a language-specific calendar symbol into its 
English equivalent.
+        */
+       function findCalendar($label) {
+               $id = array_search($label, $this->m_calendar);
+               if ($id !== false) {
+                       return $id;
+               }
+               return false;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Return the language-specific equivalent of an internally-used 
calendar symbol.
+        */
+       function getCalendar ($symbol) {
+               return 
+                       || ($symbol == "Gr") || ($symbol == "Jl") || ($symbol 
== "AM")||($symbol == "He")
+                       || ($symbol == "JD") || ($symbol == "MJD")) ? 
+       }
+       /**
+        * Return the language-specific regex for searching for a calendar 
+        */
+       function getRgxCalendar() {
+               return $this->m_rgxcalendar;
+       }
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguagePl.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguagePl.php        
2009-02-25 21:04:52.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_LanguagePl.php        2009-08-14 20:26:23.000000000 -0400
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
  *   on this site = w tym miejscu
  * @author Łukasz Bolikowski
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @version 0.2
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -125,6 +126,29 @@
        'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), 
+protected $m_months = array("styczeń", "luty", "marsz", "kwiecień", "maj", 
"czerwiec", "lipiec", "sierpień", "wrzesień", "październik", "listopad", 
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("sty", "lut", "mar", "kwi", "maj", "cze", 
"lip", "sie", "wrz", "paź", "lis", "gru");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("Abib", "Siw", "Sivan", "Tamuz", "Aw", "Elul", 
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("Abi", "Siw", "Siv", "Tam", "Aw", "Elu", 
+protected $m_monthsH = array("Nisan", "Ijar", "Siwan", "Tamuz", "Aw", "Elul", 
"Tiszri", "Cheszwan", "Kislew", "Tewet", "Szewat", "Adar", "Weadar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("Nis", "Ija", "Siw", "Tam", "Aw", "Elu", 
"Tis","Che","Kis","Tew","Sze","Ada", "Wea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "ad", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "pc", "BCE" 
=> "pne", "CE" => "ne",
+               "Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" 
=> "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(AM|ad|pc|(p)?ne|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguagePt.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguagePt.php        
2009-02-25 20:29:09.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_LanguagePt.php        2009-08-14 20:30:15.000000000 -0400
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
  * Portuguese language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, 
- * @author Semíramis Herszon, Terry A. Hurlbut
+ * @author Semíramis Herszon
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -105,6 +106,29 @@
        'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), 
+protected $m_months = array("Janeiro", "Fevereiro", "Março", "Abril", "Maio", 
"Junho", "Julho", "Agosto", "Setembro", "Outubro", "Novembro", "Dezembro");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("Jan", "Fev", "Mar", "Abr", "Mai", "Jun", 
"Jul", "Ago", "Set", "Out", "Nov", "Dez");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("Abib", "Zive", "Sivan", "Tamuz", "Av", "Elul", 
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("Abi", "Ziv", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Elu", 
+protected $m_monthsH = array("Nissan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tamuz", "Av", "Elul", 
"Tishrei","Cheshvan","Kislev","Tevet","Shevat","Adar", "Veadar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("Nis", "Iya", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Elu", 
"Tis","Che","Kis","Tev","She","Ada", "Vea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "dC", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "aC", "BCE" 
=> "AEC", "CE" => "EC",
+               "Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" 
=> "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(A(EC|M)|[Ead]C|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageRu.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageRu.php        
2009-02-25 21:06:00.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_LanguageRu.php        2009-08-14 20:36:54.000000000 -0400
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
  * Russian language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, 
  * @author Dmitry Khoroshev
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -106,5 +107,27 @@
        'Concept'       => SMW_NS_CONCEPT,
        'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), 
+protected $m_months = 
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("янв","фев","мар","апр", 
"мая","июн","июл","авг","сен", "окт","ноя","дек");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("авива", "зифа", "сиваня", 
"таммуза", "ава", "eлуля",       
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array"ави", "зиф", "сив", "там", 
"ава", "eлу", "eит","бул","хис","тeв", "шев","ада");
+protected $m_monthsH = array("нисаня", "ийаря", "сиваня", 
"таммуза", "ава", "eлуля", "тишрeия", "хeхваня", 
"кислева", "тeвeта", "шевата","адаря", "вeадаря");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("нис", "ийа", "сив", "там", 
"ава", "eлу", "тиш", "хeх", "кис", "тeв", "шев","ада", 
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "пн", "pm" => "пд");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040п[нд]/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "РХ", "AM" => "АМ", "BC" => "ДХ", 
"BCE" => "пнэ", "CE" => "нэ",
+               "Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "Ив", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Юл", 
"MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = 
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageZh_cn.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageZh_cn.php     
2009-02-25 19:48:52.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_LanguageZh_cn.php     2009-08-14 20:53:59.000000000 -0400
@@ -109,5 +109,26 @@
        'Concept'       => SMW_NS_CONCEPT,
        'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), 
+protected $m_months = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", 
"7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", 
"6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", 
"7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", 
"6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsH = array( "1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", 
"7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", 
"6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "上午", "pm" => "下午");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[上下]午/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "公元", "AM" => "阿武曼迪", "BC" 
=> "公元前",
+               "Gr" => "公历", "He" => "希伯來曆", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => 
"儒略曆", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = 
diff -au ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageZh_tw.php 
--- ../../SemanticMediaWiki-1.5bSVN/languages/SMW_LanguageZh_tw.php     
2009-02-25 19:48:53.000000000 -0500
+++ ./SMW_LanguageZh_tw.php     2009-08-14 20:54:06.000000000 -0400
@@ -107,8 +107,28 @@
        'Concept'       => SMW_NS_CONCEPT,
        'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), 
+protected $m_months = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", 
"7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", 
"6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", 
"7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", 
"6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsH = array( "1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", 
"7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", 
"6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "上午", "pm" => "下午");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[上下]午/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "公元", "AM" => "阿武曼迪", "BC" 
=> "公元前",
+               "Gr" => "公历", "He" => "希伯來曆", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => 
"儒略曆", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = 
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