Dear all,

I am planning to put up funding for a functionality that has been missing for a 
long time: I'd like to be able to use the standard MW editor for Text fields in 
Semantic Forms. 

I know there are some other WYSIWYG editors that are supposed to work, but I'd 
rather have something very simple and something that regular wiki users are 
used to.

So I'd like to be able in forms (at least for the property of type "Text") to 
have an option in the formdefinition like |editor=standard 

And it should work together with Header Tabs.

I'd like to know who would be willing to develop this feature and how much 
he/she would charge. I would need somebody to write me a bill for the job.

To the users, I'd like to ask if there would be someone else that can put up 
co-funding for this.


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