In the cause of adding the new display features for subobjects, I have 
also done some modifications to the display methods for SMWWikiPageValue 
that affects how page names are presented to the user. You may want to 
update some code to get the desired display with the new version. Below 
are the details.

== getShort*Text and getLong*Text ==

The "Short" methods used to return the page name with full namespace 
prefix by default if no other caption was given. The "Long" versions, in 
contrast, used to abbreviate labels if a link was given anyway (so one 
could get a link to "User:Foo" that was simply labelled with "Foo"; the 
rationale was that the information is in the link anyway). So the 
"Short*" methods returned the longer text versions than the "Long*" ones.

Now this has been fixed. The default for Short is to abbreviate labels 
in links while the default for Long is to show all details even in link 
labels. There was extra code to use the opposite method in case of wiki 
pages, e.g., in SMWQueryResult. This is all simplified now. As usual, 
only Short* methods use the caption (if set).

So it should be pretty obvious what to call if you want longer or 
shorter texts. Code that expects the old behaviour will still work, but 
will display more/less namespace prefixes than desired.

Note that only linked displays are affected. Unlinked versions will 
always include prefixes.

== Image: values ==

Some changes were made to the display of images:

* [[property::Image:Foo|some|image|settings]] will now display like 
[[Image:Foo|some|image|settings]] as one would expect
* images in query results will *only* show the image, no additional line 
breaks or links

== Wiki value ==

The wiki value never includes an initial ":", not even for values like 
"Category:Foo". So if you use getWikiValue() somewhere to put it into 
[[...]], you may want to add an initial ":" to escape this (or maybe you 
want to use get*WikiText() instead).

== Fragments/Subobjects ==

Fragments are usually displayed by all functions since they are 
important to distinguish different objects. They appear as post-fixes 
"#fragment" after the title. Only if a fragment starts with "_" it will 
not be displayed in links since this is used to refer to internal 
subobject identifiers that make no sense to humans. But getWikiValue() 
and all non-linked displays always include the fragment.



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