
> modify the query results to contain only the labels and the numbers

This was actually the first approach I considered and implemented to some
extend. However, the query result object is really not made to be used like
this, and the ways to get around of this where just to much of a hack,
which is why I decided to go with the current approach. Having some more
generic mechanism that does not require QPs to care about what post
processing is happening at all would be nice, but would require rewriting
the query result class or going with some messed up architecture. Either
way, it's a bunch of work, which although I agree would be useful, is not
something I'm going to take on now. If you or someone else wants to have a
go at it, please do, I'll be happy to help review it if needed.

What I implemented should be seen as a way for query printers to support
value distribution behaviour without all of them reinventing the wheel, not
a generic post processing system.


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
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