Dear all,

I am happy to announce (with some delay ;-) the recent release of "Open 
Advice" [1], a free book about free software. The book is a collection 
of 42 short essays by experienced contributors of Free Software 
projects, each inspired by the question "What would I have wished to 
know when I started?" The result is a compilation of many interesting 
insights on a wide range of topics (covering everything from code 
development, project management, and mentoring to community building, 
business exploitation, and legal aspects). Many chapters are actually 
interesting beyond Open Source or even software development.

For more information and free download, see the book's web site [1]. 
Paper copies are also available at a very reasonable price [2]. The 
website further offers a mailing list for discussions, ebook versions, 
and a bugtracker for reporting errata :-).

The project has largely been driven by Lydia Pintscher, who you will 
also know from this list. I have had the pleasure to contribute a little 
chapter as well, but the strength of the book really is not in any 
single contribution (all of which are quite short), but in the plurality 
of perspectives and experiences that have been brought together.




Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
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