Hi Jeroen, all,

Ok, opinions. :)

> * Migrate SMW to the new WMF git repo. We could also migrate somewhere else
> (ie GitHub) or even stick with SVN (and reclaim our SourceForge repo? :D).
> I'd go with the first option though, since this has benefits of visibility
> and consistency with other extensions.

Definitely stay with the WMF repo. They let you jump through hoops
often enough, but all things considered it's a clear win for SMW (and
related extensions).

> * Request migration now, rather then wait until it just happens at one day
> and we find out when we try to svn commit something.

Maybe give them a few weeks two work out the last snags in their
process. But yes, definitely act before being forced to act.
Would it be worth it to coordinate this at least among the Semantic
Bundle extensions?

> I have already requested migration for my own extensions and those that I
> maintain, including Semantic Result Formats and Semantic Maps.

Any indication yet, when the migration will happen? I am working on
SRF right now...


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