
==WD ContentHandler ==
Now that the Wikidata project is introducing a new ContentHandler [1],
we where curious if in near future SMW would make use of those methods
to store its own objects in the same way and reduces its reliance on
non-mediawiki tables/methods.

As Wikidata and SMW share the same bottlenecks in terms of
performance, caching, scalability it might prove beneficial for SMW to
use similar methods to store and fetch dataobjects from a mw-database
while at the same time reduces its reliance on SQL specific code and
lift the ban on other supported database systems(Oracle,Sqlite etc.).

The reason why we are asking is that we hope that some of the work
that has be done in SMW is reflected in Wikidata as visa versa to
ensure that both developments share some similarities to the extend
that their "plug and playable"  (meaning causing the least
interruptions when installed together and make it easier for code
reviewers to understand the inner workings which increases stability).

==SMW and WD ==
Furthermore, with the Wikidata project on the horizon, we would be
interested to see how SMW positioned and distinguished itself from WD
in light of recent developments. (A simple table could help to explain
those differences fairly quick while at the same time allows some
directional guidance for the future of SMW.)

The Validator provides validation methods for datatypes (and parameter
definitions etc.) and WD certainly needs similar methods, is it
planned that those methods (or part of it) are being moved into the




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