Dear Luka,

thanks for the reports. The second issue has now been fixed in master 
[1] and will thus appear in SMW 1.8.

For the PostgreSQL initialisation, I would like to have more 
information. It seems odd that this should be needed in general to 
create a working PostgreSQL DB. It seems to me that such 
encoding/decoding issues (hex strings) should be handled by the database 
access layer (or by the database), so that it works with any 
configuration. Changing the configuration instead seems like a 
workaround. Maybe this should actually be a bug against the MediaWiki 
PostgreSQL access layer?

Very nice site you have indeed. Would be great to have this as a Wiki of 
the Month at some point. See [2].




On 28/11/12 01:23, Luka Frelih wrote:
> Hello!
> We stumbled on two issues with 1.8rc. Both were puzzling and scary at
> first, and each took its own debugging session to tame, now both
> resolved. ;)
> First we saw hex-encoded outputs of all textual objects (strings,blobs)
> larger than 72 characters.
> Our site runs postgresql - it turned out to be an incompatible default
> configuration setting on the role (user). The fix is simple and only
> needs to be run once against the database:
> ALTER ROLE {your_db_username_here} SET bytea_output = 'escape';
> The other and it seems default option is 'hex' and SMW is not able to
> recognize or deal with it properly. So this configurations seems to be
> necessary. It would be great if this can somehow get set automatically
> upon creating the datastore, when running maintenance/SMWsetup.php.
> The other issue manifests when queries return wikipagedataitems
> containing + in their title. This triggers the "Somebody tried to use
> spaces in a cache title!" exception, crashing the page. Fixing it is
> simple in the Exporter function findDataItemForExpElement: use
> rawurldecode instead of 'plain' urldecode, which converts the + to space.
> diff --git a/includes/export/SMW_Exporter.php
> b/includes/export/SMW_Exporter.php
> index 9da3f1a..b56f5b3 100644
> --- a/includes/export/SMW_Exporter.php
> +++ b/includes/export/SMW_Exporter.php
> @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ class SMWExporter {
> $wikiNamespace = self::getNamespaceUri( 'wiki' );
> if ( strpos( $uri, $wikiNamespace ) === 0 ) {
> $localName = substr( $uri, strlen( $wikiNamespace ) );
> - $dbKey = urldecode( self::decodeURI( $localName ) );
> + $dbKey = rawurldecode( self::decodeURI( $localName ) );
> $parts = explode( '-23', $dbKey, 2 );
> if ( count( $parts ) == 2 ) {
> Now that bugs are fixed, am looking forward to finally try out
> subobjects and what else the new SMW has to offer! :)
> The site: - powered by SMW, perhaps not a bad
> usecase.
> best,
> LF
> Dne 22. 11. 2012 08:41, piše Markus Krötzsch:
>> Dear all,
>> SMW 1.8 is close to its first stable release. We have now packaged a
>> Release Candidate for download [1]. If all goes well, this will become
>> SMW 1.8.0 in about a week. As usual, the package includes the required
>> version of Validator.
>> Major new features include:
>> * New data storage: more efficient, less database activity
>> * Interface improvements in Special:Ask
>> * New atom and RSS printer
>> * SMW now provides information about #ask queries used on the wiki [2]
>> * Support for #subobjects without a name
>> * Ask API now stable, with added continuation support
>> Moreover, a large number of bugs have been fixed, compatibility to all
>> recent MW versions has been ensured, a lot of internal improvements have
>> been made, and translations have been added. A record number of people
>> have contributed to this work.
>> For those of you who download versions from git, there is also an
>> according tag there for this RC. The master branch itself will remain in
>> a stable state until 1.8 is released.
>> Feedback is most welcome.
>> Cheers,
>> Markus
>> [1]
>> [2] You can now query for queries. Examples:
>> * The 10 largest queries used on the wiki with their size and query string:
>> {{#ask:[[query string::+]]
>> |?query size
>> |?query string
>> |sort=query size
>> |order=DESC
>> |limit=10
>> }}
>> * The number of queries that use the format "list":
>> {{#ask:[[query format::list]] |format=count }}
>> * The number of pages that use queries that use the format "list":
>> {{#ask:[[has query.query format::list]] |format=count }}
>> * The total number of queries:
>> {{#ask:[[query size::+]] |format=count }}
>> * Pages that have a query with format list and one with format table:
>> {{#ask: [[has query.query format::list]] [[has query.query
>> format::table]] }}
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