I'm helping Mozilla with their wiki and they have the following request:

Create widgets: "X Most Popular in Last Y Days" and "Last X Edits"

Since they're using SMW, I thought there might be a way to query for the
recent edits or page counters.  No one in #semantic-mediawiki seemed to
know of a way to do this, though.  I poked through the SMW extensions,
but nothing jumped out at me.

So, my next thought is to make the page counter and recent edit list
available for SMW queries.  Any pointers on how to do that?

That said, maybe I'm just completely missing some obvious functionality
of SMW because of my own ignorance.  In that case, I seek enlightenment.

Thanks for any help!



A man is not that which can be put into a grave, but is rather that
    which the universe cannot contain.
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