Hello everybody,

well, the title says it everything I think.

What is the way to import Enum concepts from external ontologies?

I know theres is the "import vocabulary" feature, but It says that only
apply to import external properties, by taggin a property page with "[[imported

However, I tried in my wiki to used the same tag in "non-property" (like a
regular page) pages, and It works just fine. I used this trick to import
enum external concepts to match with my pages.

Is this a good way to do this or there's a better way?

Another question,

As it is said in the page "import vocabualry" (
https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Import_vocabulary), you have to
make the vocabulary available for import. I wanted to import the foaf:knows
property, like this:

http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/|[http://www.foaf-project.org/ Friend Of A Friend]

 but when I go to my property page tagged with "[[imported
from::foaf:knows]]", it says that the type is missing. I though the
type was automatically setted.

Could you tell me why this happens, please?

Cheers and thanks a lot in avance,

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