
When I looked over SMWPageSchemas which is right now part of SMW core,
I failed to understand as to why it has to be deployed with SMW core.

I do not know the exact circumstances on how PageSchemas operates but
the current design requires SMW core to deploy SMWPageSchemas for some

Normally when you deploy a class requiring it to derive from a
different class that resides in another extension (SMWPageSchemas
extends PSExtensionHandler ) it is because you expect that the
concrete implementation is specific to the environment that implements
this class, nevertheless when I tried to figure out which part of
SMWPageSchemas is so specific that it has to be deployed with SMW core
I failed.

As for the reason why I failed, I could not see a clear dependency
that would require SMWPageSchemas to be implemented by SMW core
meaning no specific object injection occurs from SMW core into
SMWPageSchemas that would allow to draw a conclusion about an inherent
(or even necessary) dependency that can only be resolved by deploying
it with SMW core.

Other issue while browsing through SMWPageSchemas are:
* All methods are declared static which makes it a less likely
candidate to be testable
* Mixing string manipulation using raw '<p>' , or XML::, Html:: which
can potentially create issues with escaping
* Each method relies on GLOBALS such as global $wgUser; global $wgContLang; etc.

It would be nice to have some sort of resolution on how to deal with
this class. In case it is decided that this class should remain in SMW
core, a proper unit test should be provided (by PageSchemas) in order
to minimize any vulnerability and exposure due to object references
such as (PageSchemas::getValueFromObject etc.).

PS: This is not about eliminating PageSchemas from SMW but rather to
ensure that dependencies (and so its implementation) does reside
within an appropriate context without exposing other objects to
unnecessary risk.


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