oops, sorry, Benedikt!!

And yes, thumbs up for the Sponsors!

- Bernhard

----- Ursprüngliche Mail -----
> Dear Bernhard,
> thank you for your feedback to the conference which I believe is
> greatly
> appreciated by all mentioned. We should definitely not forget to name
> and thank Benedikt for his great effort and success as the General
> Chair
> of this SMWCon.
> As a member of the organisation team I would like to thank Wikimedia
> Deutschland and Open Semantic Data Association for their support and
> help as well as all the participants and contributors to the
> conference
> for making it enjoyable and prolific, among them also our sponsors
> [1].
> Cheers Karsten
> [1] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2013#Sponsors
> Am 31.10.2013 08:31, schrieb Krabina Bernhard:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > it was a pleasure being part of the SMWCon in Berlin. Thank you
> > Yury, Karsten, Markus and all others who made this terrific
> > conference possible. It was nice to finally meet so many of you in
> > person.
> >
> > Also, thanks again to all the gifted developers, coders, hackers,
> > community organizers, testers, documenters, evangelists,
> > consultants etc. wo make SMW what it is: a great tool with a huge
> > future potential.
> >
> > Let's keep up the good work and I hope to see many of you next year
> > (hopefully in Vienna :-)
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Bernhard
> >
> > ----- Ursprüngliche Mail -----
> >> Hi everyone!
> >> First of all, here is the program:
> >>
> >> http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2013/Tutorial_day
> >> http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2013/Conference_days
> >>
> >> We expected 40-50 people to come to the conference and got 85!
> >> There
> >> is no tickets left. If you're not lucky this year and won't be
> >> able
> >> to
> >> participate in the conference, feel free to ask questions to the
> >> speakers right now and wait for the streaming and recording! We
> >> will
> >> publish the link to an online streaming several days before the
> >> event
> >> so that you'll be able to watch the conference from your homes.
> >>
> >> I'm sure that right now our presenters are preparing for their
> >> talks.
> >> If you got interested in some particular topic and you want the
> >> speaker to highlight some specific details about it - you have the
> >> unique chance to ask the speaker before the presentation begin! To
> >> do
> >> that, go to the discussion page of the talk and ask your
> >> questions.
> >>
> >> Finally here are some talks that I've found most exiting:
> >>
> >> -----------------
> >> http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2013/Semantic_MediaWiki_and_Neuroscience_Data_-_A_Blue_Brain_Perspectiv
> >> Martin Telefont will give a talk about using SMW for BlueBrain
> >> project. It's actually very famous project in which they model the
> >> neo-cortex of the human brain all the way down to the molecular
> >> level.
> >> Martin will talk about how they're trying to apply crowdsourcing
> >> principles and SMW-based tools.
> >> ------------------
> >> http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2013/DBpedia_Mappings_wiki
> >> Anja will talk about DBpedia - the biggest knowledgebase in Linked
> >> Data. DBpedia itself is awesome and is used for linguistic, open
> >> government and recearch, but Anja will concentrate on the
> >> Mappings.Dbpedia - a tool for adjusting DBpedia parsers. You can
> >> visit
> >> mappings.dbpedia.org and have a look at the tool itself.
> >>
> >> ------------------
> >> http://goo.gl/kMaE7d , http://goo.gl/Js2yWB, http://goo.gl/Q86KSL
> >> SmartCore, OWL Wiki Forms, Automatic Semantic Forms and
> >> PageSchemas
> >> are the tools that generate the structure of your wiki and help
> >> you
> >> to
> >> forget the syntax of Templates and Forms! During the tutorial day
> >> and
> >> the conference Yaron, Michael, Erwin and Lloyd will show you these
> >> tools in action.
> >> ------------------
> >>
> >> We have a lot more scientific, business-oriented and technical
> >> talks.
> >> I'm sure that it's going to be the best SMWCon ever!
> >>
> >> See you in Berlin!
> >> -----
> >> Yury Katkov, Program Chair
> >>
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >> Semediawiki-user mailing list
> >> semediawiki-u...@lists.sourceforge.net
> >> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/semediawiki-user
> >>

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