Here is some Turtle to flesh out the below initiative for footnoted multilingual properties. In this case, there are different values for the same property however each has a different named/footnoted source. I do realize I haven't addressed querying citation info, but rome wasn't built in a day.

  rdf:subject <my:Seattle>;
  rdf:predicate <my:Property>;
  rdf:object [
    rdf:type <rdf:Alt>;
    rdf:_1 [
        rdf:|XMLLiteral |"my string value";
        smw:cite <my:Q0000-1>];
    rdf:_2 [
rdf:|XMLLiteral| "another string value"@es;
        smw:cite <my:Q0000-2>]
  rdf:type <smw:Footnote>;
dc:source <http://.../source1>.
  rdf:type <smw:Footnote>;
dc:source <http://.../source2>.

On 11/6/2013 8:01 AM, John McClure wrote:
Hello Steve,
One thought is to enable SMW for _footnoted, multilingual properties_: one defines Property:Foo as Type:Text, and is able to then reference Foo@eng for instance in SMW's parser functions. An inline annotation could follow this format:
[[propname@langcode ^f1,...,fn :: propvalue]]

with these additional two new parser functions:
{{#footnote-keep:fn|dc:source=xxxxxx|other footnote params}}
Ideally the footnote reference would be formatted within the text (possibly, in multiple citations) where the property value is being set.

Existing parser functions would be modified to support language designations: {{#set: propname@eng = propvalue}} ... propvalue being set is that in the English language {{#ask: [[propname@eng :: propvalue]] }} ... propvalue queried is that in the English language

The factbox, browse and maybe other SMW utilities I don't know about right now, would need to be tweaked as well.
Last point: clearly, Type:Code properties would _not_ be language-aware.

Thanks for your inquiry!
On 11/6/2013 7:22 AM, Chenoweth, Stephen V wrote:


Any ideas for a serious class project, like in PHP, perhaps, that also would be useful to SMW?

I have 23 talented junior CS majors who built a SMW-based Wiki this fall. When populated with data, it will show the flow of concepts related to our courses, etc. at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

This same class is next heading into a course in software design. I would love to give them a design and programming project to do, which could benefit this particular Wiki they built, but which also would be of interest to you, the SMW community. I suggested PHP, above, because a key goal of the design course is for the students to become adept at software patterns and other OO skills.

As a student project, this should not be something critical in your development path, but, ideally, if they produced a high quality result, it is something that might end up rolled into the general product or might become an extension. In previous classes, we have ended up submitting results back into SourceForge.

So, do you have specific ideas that come to mind? Or, do you have a "wish list" already, that they could go look at, and choose for themselves?

We would love to have this class be the test case for an ongoing relationship.

Your recommendations are greatly appreciated!

Steve Chenoweth

Assoc Prof, CSSE


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