Hi Bernhard,

we usually use Data Integration Tools to extract, transform, load (ETL) 
data from and to SMW using the MediaWiki API.

This approach is generic and saves us from creating tool specific 
extensions. This way, one can easily integrate other databases, excel, 
web services, SAP Solutions and so on.

If you scan the market for ETL tools you might find some promising 

/Alexander Gesinn

Am 12.11.2013 08:40, schrieb Krabina Bernhard:
> Hi,
> as great as SMW is by itself, I'd like to hear your thoughts or experiences 
> regarding integration in or collaboration with other tools.
> In some cases, SMW can be a real competitor to other "bigger" solutions, in 
> other it might not have a chance to compete. Many other tools offer wikis as 
> well and we know, how poor they perform compared to SMW. So the question is, 
> how could an integration of SMW be done? With what other tools? What would be 
> feasible and what not?
> Let me share my first thoughts:
> Microsoft Sharepoint
> --------------------
> * focus: portal/document management
> * SMW replacing the internal wiki
> Liferay
> -------
> * focus: enterprise portal
> * SMW replacing the internal wiki
> * 
> http://www.liferay.com/de/documentation/liferay-portal/6.2/user-guide/-/ai/working-together-with-the-wiki-liferay-portal-6-2-user-guide-08-en
> * http://www.liferay.com/de/community/wiki/-/wiki/Main/Wiki+Portlet
> * the wiki "is completely integrated with Liferay’s user management, tagging, 
> and security features."
> * Java-based
> Alfresco
> --------
> * focus: document management
> * SMW replacing the internal wiki
> * Java-based
> * PHP Api
> Drupal
> -------
> * focus: web cms
> * usecase unclear...
> * PHP based!
> Zimbra/Zarafa/OpenText..
> -----------------------
> * focus: groupware
> * SMW adding wiki to the groupware, importing/exporting content (LDAP, vcard, 
> ical)...
> others?
> -Bernhard
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