Issue 1:
I have a category of pages called Canyons and I've designed my Semantic
Form to allow entering a bunch of simple data followed by a number of
pre-determined sections.  This is great for creating pages, but SF seems to
choke when parsing the page content back into the pre-determined sections
if subsections (=== subsection ===) are used.

For example, this page works fine -- view the form to see all the content
placed into the correct section boxes:

But, this page is hopelessly mangled -- view the form to see content placed
all over the place (and partially duplicated!):
As you can see, the Approach content is truncated at the subsection marker,
the rest of the Approach content is put into Free text, the Descent section
is also put into Free text (!) but also duplicated in Descent, the Exit
info is appended to Descent, etc, etc

Is there already a known bug for dealing with this problem?  Is there
anything I can do differently to get things to work properly (other than
not using subsections -- that's not an acceptable solution)?

Issue 2:
What I'd really like to do is to not have a section header for Introduction
so that the text in that box gets placed above the table of contents.
 Basically, I want the result to look like this:

Is it possible to define a section-headerless page section in a Semantic
Form and also have Free text at the end (or where ever)?

Where in the SF code should I go to find the routine that parses current
page content into a form to see how it works?

Thanks, and thanks for creating such a great product!
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