
thanks for creating and sharing the videos!


Am 19.12.2013 12:14, schrieb James HK:
> Hi,
> I had some spare minutes on my hand so I thought I'd make a quick
> video [1] that explains in plain and simple terms on "how to" install
> Semantic MediaWiki 1.9 using Composer.
> SMW 1.9 only requires three steps in order to be full functional:
> # 1 Install MediaWiki
> # 2 Add composer require mediawiki/semantic-media-wiki @dev
> # 3 Run php update.php
> The videos show an out-of-the box MW 1.22 installation with no
> additional settings required in LocalSettings. Of course if you need
> to adjust some of the default settings then this has to been done
> after the installation.
> The installation of Semantic Result Formats can be viewed in a
> separate video [2].
> I hope the videos are helpful to some users.
> PS: @dev is being used as no official release have been made in
> connection with SMW 1.9 and composer.
> PSS: For an upgrade guideline, see [3].
> [1] https://vimeo.com/82255034
> [2] https://vimeo.com/82258857
> [3] 
> http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Thread:Help_talk:Installation/MW_1.22_and_SMW_1.9beta_install/upgrade
> Cheers
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