[sorry about formatting error on last copy]

I'm working on a SRF printer for a d3js force directed graph.
I need to execute further #ask queries within my printer in getResultData()
I found this post to this mailing list from Markus Krötzsch, which was 
extremely useful:

I have pages for Students, and each page has subobjects that describe the 
classes they are studying. 

So I #ask for 
[[-Has subobject::Joe Student]] ( In reality, I will use {{FULLPAGENAME}} )
|?class name

That gives me a list of the classes Joe Student is studying, Now I want to loop 
around the result and get the list of students studying on each class that Joe 
is in, so I am doing (in the loop):

// $class is current value in result set loop
// $search is the PrintRequest from the orginal ask query. ('class name')

// The Following mainly pulled from SMW_SpecialAsk.php
list( $queryString, $parameters, $printouts ) = 
SMWQueryProcessor::getComponentsFromFunctionParams( $new_ask_query, false );
$parameters = SMWQueryProcessor::getProcessedParams( $parameters, $printouts );
$myResQueryResult=smwfGetStore()->getQueryResult( $myqueryObj );

It seems to work fine, but is that the most efficient way of doing it?

Now, Where I really need help is if I want to make use of some other properties.
If I need a property of the class subobject, I can include it as a PrintRequest 
in the ask query, so that's OK, but how can I get a property for a result of 
this second query. (Joe's classmates), like a date of birth for example, which 
is a property of the page returned as a result of my internal ask query?

The post I refer to mentions SMWStore,
> Since very recently, SMW in SVN also has a method SMWStore::getSemanticData() 
> that will retrieve the whole "Factbox" for one page from the store in one 
> call.

That would be great, if I can do that on the results of the ask query!
but I need some pointers, so if you can offer either some direct help, or send 
me to documentation, I would much appreciate it! Hopefully some of this D3 
stuff I am doing can then be written well enough to be included in the main 

Ah... I'm also having a problem with an Image property, it won't show up in ask 
results at all.. I'm trying to just get the filename to show in broadtable. Any 
pointers there too appreciated!



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