Many thanks for the feedback about RDFIO, Ben!

I think you are indeed right about the state of RDFIO, that it is indeed 
rather unstable. I think all of this boils down to (at least) three things:

Firstly, the development of RDFIO has suffered from a constant lack of 
time spent on it, from my side. Although I have made multiple sprints to 
try  to get it into better shape, it has never really reached the state 
when things are really worked through and polished to the extent it 
should. Here I'm very happy about the efforts initialized by Joel Sachs, 
to get a GSoC / OPW project started, where we now have Ali King already 
doing a great job working on adding missing features, and on the whole 
making a lot of badly needed polishing and improvements.

Secondly, the ontology support in RDFIO is really very new and untested 
... and potentially far from complete. I think right now, the only OWL 
construct supported is the owl#sameAs and owl#equivalentProperty if I 
recall correctly (Ali might be able to correct me here ...). I think we 
would need some real testing with some very good use cases, with example 
code and and the desired result in the form of wiki pages, to make sure 
that this fulfils the typical requirements. (Maybe you can provide some 
such use cases and test cases? :) )

Thirdly, there is a little bit of a problem with the underlying library 
that RDFIO builds upon, the ARC2 library, in that it is not really 
maintained anymore, and hasn't really kept up with new features. Also 
there has been some troubles with certain RDF constructs (especially 
turtle code containing anonymous nodes), that seems to have caused 
problems for ARC2.

So, all in all, I think RDFIO really needs some love in order to get to 
a production ready state. I'm very happy to see more folks such as Joel 
and Ali helping to make that happen, and I hope that we can figure out a 
way to solve the stability and feature issues still remaining in the 
near future, since I also find that a module such as RDFIO, would be 
very very useful, if it just worked well enough.

Hope this gave some basic idea about the current state of RDFIO! Feel 
free to ask, if you have more specific questions, and Ali, Joel or I 
will try to answer as best as we can!

// Samuel

On 2014-07-21 13:55, Veen, Ben van der wrote:
> I think the extension RDFIO is great. My Ontologie is loading (some 
> times) but it looks very unstable. Apache crashes....errors... ARC2 is 
> getting corrupted. Who has the same experience or another alternative 
> to load my Ontology (which I make with Protege [owl/ttl])
> Do not know if it is for the development userlist, but it looks like I 
> have to do some coding.
> I also have Mediawiki on Jena. Works perfect. I can load my ontology 
> in Jena, but then it's not in SMW and Mediawiki. Here is documentation 
> about that it's not the way to do it.
> Thanks Ben
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