For #2, I suppose it is because RDF still looks like black magic to most
people and that there are still not enough user friendly tools capable of
reading and writing RDF (which makes authoring these files feel like black
magic as well).

For #1, I will let people more familiar with SMW data export comment on
that. My gut feeling is that it is doable - the format seems
straightforward enough. Of course someone would have to spend the effort
coding it.

On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Krabina Bernhard <> wrote:

> Hi,
> at wikimedia 2014, Rufus Pollock of OKFN presented this:
> My questions to you SMW wizards is now
> 1) how could SMW support this? An enhancement of the JSON export format?
> 2) why to they not use RDF for this? What are the benefits of this approch
> in contrast to RDF?
> regards,
> Bernhard
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