Hello SMW community,

SMW is one of the best tools I know to share public sector information 
in a collaborative way; our next SMWCon again shows that impressively.

Therefore, I would like to point you to another interesting venue. After 
the first successful Share-PSI 2.0 workshop in Greece (see report [1]) 
we encourage participation and contribution to the next workshop in the 
series on "Encouraging open data usage by commercial developers" [2].

Hope to see you there!



[1] <http://www.w3.org/2013/share-psi/workshop/samos/report>
[2] ----------------------------------------

==Call For Papers==
Taking place in Lisbon in the first week in December, Encouraging open 
data usage by commercial developers will be highly interactive with many 
facilitated discussions and very few presentations.

W3C membership is not required to participate. The event is open to all, 
but all participants are required to submit a position paper or 
statement of interest by 5 October 2014. Share-PSI 2.0 is coordinated by 
W3C/ERCIM as part of the Data Activity and is closely aligned with the 
Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group.

More information on call for participation: 

==Important Dates==
* 5 October 2014 - Submission deadline
* 22 October 2014 - Notification of acceptance
* 3 - 4 December 2014 The Workshop

The venue for the workshop is the National Laboratory for Civil 
Engineering (LNEC), Av Do Brasil 101 1700-066 Lisboa, Portugal.

==Programme Committee==

     Phil Archer, W3C
     Makx Dekkers, AMI Consult
     Claudius Determann, PSI Alliance
     Muriel Foulonneau, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
     Chris Harding, TOG
     Peter Krantz
     André Lapa, AMA
     Daniel Pop, UVT
     Amanda Smith, Open Data Institute (ODI), London, UK
     Džiugas Tornau (UAB Linked Data)
     Athina Trakas, OGC
     Noël Van Herreweghe, eGov, Flemish government in Belgium
     Simon Whitehouse, Birmingham City Council, UK

AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Phone: +49 (721) 608 46108
Email: benedikt.kaemp...@kit.edu
Web: http://www.aifb.kit.edu/web/Hauptseite/en

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