
the same idea was discussed on the Vienna create camp in October. 

I think a basic set of templates for common objects would be great. E g.
- Persons and/or Users (populating User Pages)
- Organizations
- Events and/or News
- Projects or Activities
- some objects like Books or Articles, could even be named "Item" for being 


----- Am 3. Nov 2014 um 1:44 schrieb James HK jamesin.hongkon...@gmail.com:

> Hi,
> I'm calling for input and opinions about collecting and providing
> self-explanatory templates to be bundled as a repository (aka
> "TemplateRepository") on smw.org that are re-usable in connection with
> SMW.
> The objective would be to support first time users in their effort
> more quickly to become familiar with SMW by allowing to copy templates
> to enhance general functionality of Semantic MediaWiki right from the
> start.
> After reading the comment from [0] where sh(e) states that "I would
> like an inexperienced person of limited technical background to walk
> through some of the concepts with simple examples that I could cut,
> paste and modify in my own wiki. This would let me make mistakes
> because of what I don't know, but still move forward. "
> Making examples available for cut and paste usage seems a bit
> difficult (as it requires certain data sets to be available) but
> templates are a powerful tool in the "wiki world" to reduce input
> repetition and improve output presentation for specific content
> sections (info box etc.).
> Providing some kind of repository might come in handy for users
> unfamiliar with SMW and its inner workings where even an experienced
> user can be challenged to make templates work with SMW (depending on
> the requirements). Tools like [1] can provide support for a more
> complex modelling process but a first time or occasional user is
> probably looking for a simplified approach.
> Having a TemplateRepository where a user can browse (by use case),
> copy, and find some explanatory descriptions should ease the
> adaptation process and facilitate the usability of SMW.
> ## Questions
> - Would it make sense to have something like a TemplateRepository for
> re-use on smw.org?
> - How would a TemplateRepository need to be designed to be helpful to
> first time users or even expert users?
> - Do we have volunteers who are willing to help build a
> TemplateRepository? Do we have a champion who would be willing to
> drive such project?
> - What kind of TemplateRepository categories and common use cases
> (citation, book annotation etc.) would make most sense?
> ## Usage
> An easy way for users to download multiple templates would be by
> simply export a XML (e.g `Special:Export`) that contains all selected
> pages and use `Special:Import` to re-import the content without doing
> a manual copy and paste.
> Some categories to divide the usage could be based on an environmental
> dependency (can be used standalone, requires Lua, requires SF etc.).
> [0] http://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/20141102035706
> [1] https://github.com/Fannon/mobo
> PS: smw.org = https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org
> Cheers
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