Hi Bernhard,

Wow, that's pretty neat! It appears that this is using a JavaScript library
called Keshif, which in turn uses D3.js:


And the guy whose instance you linked to seems to be one of the people
behind the project.

Any thoughts by anyone on this interface versus that of Exhibit?


...or, for that matter, on SRF's "filtered" format?


I wasn't sure whether to include "filtered" in there, since it has
significantly fewer features than the other two, but then again simplicity
often has its own virtues, especially in user interfaces.

Of the three, Keshif's UI feels the most "alive" - there's always something
happening as you move the mouse around. I don't know whether that's useful
or not, and I'd be curious to hear anyone's opinions on these browsing
interfaces. In theory, the SMW system could support any one of these - it
has supported Exhibit in the past, and I think it could again, although
maybe people find one of the other options superior.


On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Krabina Bernhard <krab...@kdz.or.at> wrote:

> hi,
> wow, this http://www.cs.umd.edu/~bederson/papers/index.html should be
> available in SMW as a result format or extension or whatever
> 8-)
> cheers,
> Bernhard
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