(re-sending, not "pre-formatted")

Cargo can reference tables in either the wiki's database or an external database. When local, a template can invoke Cargo to set up a potentially faster, look-aside index ...of say, a set of infobox triples located in a massively sized triplestore
There's alot in common with the Concept namespace here
...a Concept is an #ask call, with no display formatting
...#concept buffers text pageids from an #ask execution, in a table somewhere
...these pageids represent examples of a concept, aka filtered categories.

Cargo could undergird a new namespace, called "View"
...{{View:pagename}} is transcluded by other pages
...an #ask (paired with a template) populates an SQL table
...maybe in same template that puts data to the triplestore
...not hard to prototype in templates, adding a column to each table maybe
...potentially eliminates need to use #ask for display formatting

Cargo could modify SMW's Concept code and use it for the View namespace
...permit one view to be defined per page, like the #concept call is to a Concept page
...SQL tables are created, one per view, named by sub/pagename
...needs to be integrated with SMW caching and other code as much as Concept is ...the table for a View:page can be generated when page is saved or as a runjob

The aim is to **better scale a wiki with big-data volumes of semantic data**

Cargo is looking like it is a /*great */addition to the SMW system
... It's an /*enabling technology*/ which if used right means faster wikis, better practices and cheaper hardware

Cargo's a /*good idea*/ worth the six months Yaron, and now we're challenged to figure out how it should work for SMW
... thanks for that of course /john

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