Hi Yaron,

probably I am doing things not in the best possible way. :-)

This is my use-case: I have images that have a page where a title and up
to three keywords can be assigned to them. For the keywords I have a
custom namespace "Keyword" (to avoid possible name clashes with
image-page titles).

In the image-page template I show the keywords like this:

That means that for not yet existing keywords I see a red-link with the
keyword as link-text. For existing keywords I see a blue link with
"Keyword:keyword" as link-text because my "link text" parameter is
ignored and the "target" parameter is used in this case - which looks
"ugly" and is not the way I think it should be.
I found this strange and made the change to the code.
How else could I get what I want (to see just the keyword with a link to
the keyword-page in the Keyword-namespace)?

To turn the tables: What's the use case for the way it is right now?
The information about the existence of the page the link points to is
already encoded in the colour of the link, isn't it?


On 05/29/2015 12:49 AM, Yaron Koren wrote:
> Hi Hermann,
> That was done on purpose - the idea was that #formredlink has two
> different behaviors, depending on whether or not the page in question
> exists. If it doesn't, then of course you see a red link, pointing to a
> form, with text that possibly looks like "Create this page". If it does,
> then there's just a normal link to that page, and users wouldn't know
> that there's anything special going on behind the scenes. What's your
> use case for wanting the same link text to show up whether or not the
> page exists? And what could such text be?
> -Yaron
> [...]

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