Dear users, developers and all people interested in semantic wikis,

We are very happy to announce the program of the 12th Semantic MediaWiki 
Conference in Barcelona! People from business, academia and non-profit 
organizations will give a variety of very interesting talks and 
presentations about applying semantic wikis as well as about newest 
developments in the field.

We would also like to remind you of the upcoming end to the early bird 
registration registration period on October 5, 2015. Please register via 
Tito [0] if you have not done so already.

Important facts reminder:

* Dates: October 28th to October 30th 2015 (Wednesday to Friday)
* Location: Fabra i Coats, Art Factory. Carrer Sant Adrià 20 (Sant 
Andreu), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
* Conference page:
* Participants: Everybody interested in semantic wikis, especially in 
Semantic MediaWiki, e.g. users, developers, consultants, business 
representatives and researchers.

News on the program:

* The tutorial program has been announced and made available [1]
* The conference program has now also been announced and made available 
[2]. The keynote will be held jointly by Denny Vrandečić and Markus 
* A social program is also being prepared [3].

We still welcome contributions from you:

* We encourage contributions for workshops and poster sessions about 
semantic wikis; for a list of topics, see [4]. Please add your proposals 
here: [5]
* Presentations will generally be video and audio recorded and made 
available for others after the conference.


* Amical Wikimedia [6] and Open Semantic Data Association e. V. [7] have 
become the official organisers of SMWCon Fall 2015
* Thanks to Institut de Cultura - Ajuntament de Barcelona [8] for 
providing free access to the conference location and its infrastructure 
as well as ArchiXL/XL&Knowledge [9] for being our silver sponsor.

If you have questions you may contact Lia Veja and Karsten Hoffmeyer 
(Program Chairs), Alina Mierluș (General Chair) or Toni Hermoso (Local 
Chair) per e-mail (Cc).

We will be happy to see you in Barcelona!

Lia Veja, Karsten Hoffmeyer (Program Board)

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