
I'm trying to produce this query with Sequel, that would then run on 
SELECT o.id, coalesce(cg.price, o.price) price
FROM offers o
LEFT JOIN country_groups cg ON cg.offer_id = o.id AND cg.country_codes @> 

I understand I can use an array of conditions, as follows:
db[:offers].left_join(:country_groups, [[:offer_id, :id], [??]] )

But then I don't know how to express the second condition, which normally 
would be like this in a filter context:
Sequel.pg_array_op(:country_codes).contains(Sequel.pg_array(['US'], :varchar

Alternatively, I've tried using a subquery:
filtered_countries = db[:country_groups].where(Sequel.pg_array_op(:
country_codes).contains(Sequel.pg_array(['US'], :varchar)))
db[:offers].left_join(filtered_countries, offer_id: :id).select { coalesce(
country_groups[:price], offers[:price]) }

The issue then is that the country_groups referenced inside coalesce is not 
part of the FROM clause, so I get:
PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR:  missing FROM-clause entry for table 

Tried using the filtered dataset inside coalesce
db[:offers].left_join(filtered_countries, offer_id: :id).select { coalesce(
filtered_countries[:price], offers[:price]) }

and from the error I get, this seems just totally wrong:
Sequel::DatabaseError: PG::DatatypeMismatch: ERROR:  argument of AND must 
be type boolean, not type numeric
LINE 1: ... (("country_codes" @> ARRAY['DE']::varchar[]) AND "price") LIM...

How do I achieve any of this without resorting to raw queries?

Thanks in advance for any help or pointers,


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