
I currently do this: 

# create empty array to which result of dataset will be pushed
results = []

# get the Sequel dataset
.join(:categories, id: :categorie_id)
.select{[ entrees[:id], entrees[:date_de_valeur], entrees[:intitule], 
entrees[:montant], entrees[:recurrent], categories[:intitule].as(:categorie) 
.where(Sequel.lit('entrees.account_id = ?', accountid))
.where(Sequel.lit('extract(MONTH FROM date_de_valeur) = ?', month))
.where(Sequel.lit('extract(YEAR FROM date_de_valeur) = ?', year))
.each{ |ligne| results.push(ligne) }

It works, although this is probably not the most concise way to doing this. 

Thanks !

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