MEPs divided over controversial Kosovo report

19.02.2007 - 18:44 CET | By Renata Goldirova


EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - With the final round of negotiations on the future of 
Kosovo about to kick off in Vienna on Wednesday (21 February), the European 
Parliament – striving to enter the diplomatic arena – is indicating it may take 
a clear pro-independence stance. 

A report drafted by Dutch green MEP Joost Lagendijk states that the European 
Parliament "supports the view that Kosovo should be granted independence and 
that its sovereignty should, over a period of time, be limited by an 
international presence."

*      Such a prospect is seen by Mr Lagendijk' draft report as "the only 
sustainable settlement" given that "independence will grant Kosovo access to 
international financial organizations and allow it realize its European 
prospects" while "limited sovereignty under international monitoring is 
necessary in order to maintain the multi-ethnic character of Kosovo and to 
safeguard the interest and security of the Serb population and of other ethnic 

But the text - the strongest expression of EU pro-independence feeling yet - 
has led to an internal struggle in the European Parliament, with many MEPs 
asking whether it is wise to be so blunt vis-a-vis Serbia. 

In response, the Dutch MEP himself has signalled a willingness to re-phrase the 
controversial document so that "the diplomatic process is not disrupted and the 
report is endorsed by an overwhelming majority of the parliament." 

"I am aware that my wording is extremely unpopular in Belgrade," Mr Lagendijk 
told EUobserver, while stressing that "the phrase reflects the opinion of the 
majority of MEPs at the time the report was drafted." 

Mr Lagendijk voiced full support for UN envoy Martti Ahtisaari's draft 
blueprint on Kosovo that puts the UN-administered province on the road to 

"The main difference between Mr Ahtisaari's report and mine is that he [Martti 
Ahtisaari] does not call it independence and I do," Mr Lagendijk said. 

The report is scheduled for a vote in the Parliament's Committee on Foreign 
Affairs on 13 March. 

Trade-off hopes frozen 
Meanwhile, Serbian diplomats have reportedly signalled to the West that they 
would be willing to accept Kosovo's independence, but only after the Serb 
annexation of its northern part, mainly populated by ethnic Serbs.

According to Balkans agency DTT-NET.COM and local Kosovo media, Belgrade 
diplomats have quietly told western counterparts the partition deal could fly, 
even though it would see Kosovo become 18 percent smaller in land area terms.

But NATO chief Jaap de Hoop Scheffer quickly poured cold water on such ideas on 
Friday (16 February), emphasizing the need to retain the unity and territorial 
integrity of Kosovo and rejecting the notion of partition.

At the same time, the trade-off idea was rejected by some moderate Serb 
politicians in Kosovo, with one, Oliver Ivanovic, saying that division would 
lead to a displacement of Serbs from the central and east part towards the 

Meanwhile, tension is mounting on the ground. Two explosions hit Kosovo over 
the weekend - one in the capital city of Pristina and the other in northern 
municipality of Zubin Potok. There were no injuries in either incident, 
DTT-NET.COM reported.

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