Dear Friends,

The demonization of Putin and Russia has not abated.  I've just reviewed some 
articles and interviews written earlier this year.  One in March covered  when 
Prof. Stephen Cohen, America's recognized top scholar and historian of the 
US/USSR-Russia relationship spoke with Fareed Zakaria, CNNs most distinguished 
international correspondent.  First, I repeat myself from a former email to 
you: American Consul Generals, US businessmen who worked with Putin in the 
1990s,  and many CCI Russian alumni whose businesses were registered by him, 
give a totally different picture of Putin.  One US official told me that the 
"knives were drawn" at U.S. State Department when Putin ascended to the 
"acting" president role at the beginning of 2000. This was after he had 
developed a good reputation with those who worked closely with him in 
St.Petersburg. We need to ask the question, WHY?  Why, all of a sudden in 2000, 
was Putin declared dangerous before he had even served as president? He was 
obviously thought to be highly intelligent by those who had worked with him in 
Petersburg, but he was also known to be cooperative, respectful, and sensitive 
to the needs of  those who spent blocks of time with him.  Who came up with the 
"thug" image or the Hitler reference and why?  If you know of anyone who has 
had a nefarious experience with Putin, please ask them to let it be known -- to 
send it to us. Personal accounts are needed, not rumors being passed from one 
to another who have never had any dealings with him.  Why is it important 
whether Putin is as he is reputed by those who worked with him’€“’€“or the thug 
that is omnipresent in Western news today?

There have been too many political leaders who were declared sinister 
characters in the past, then wars were fought to take them out which cost us 
much national treasure and destroyed the fabric of the foreign countries 
involved.  We must ask ourselves, what is going on with rergard to Russia?


 On CNN, Fareed Zakaria interviewed Princeton and NYU professor Stephen Cohen 
about his article in The Nation in which he argues that Vladamir Putin is not 
the "neo-imperialist thug" he is accused of being. 

 Asked about Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine, Cohen said that Putin did not 
create the crisis and had no choice but to react. Cohen also said that next to 
Mikhail Gorbachev and possibly Boris Yeltsin, Putin was the least authoritarian 
Russian ruler in 400 years. The transcript of the interview follows:  

Zakaria: Steve, you say that this guy is not the rank imperialist and rank 
dictator we see him as. Explain why he isnt those things.

Cohen: Nor is he, as Secretary Albright and Professor Brzezinski suggested, 
Hitler  with their references to Munich. Putin is not a thug; hes not a 
neo-Soviet imperialist who is trying to recreate the Soviet Union; he’s not 
even anti-American. What he is intensely, is historically pro-Russian. He’s 
been in power fourteen years, and his mission is, as he sees it, and many 
Russians see it, [to] restore Russia from the disaster of 1991, the collapse of 
the Russian state. Remember, that was the second time in the 20th century the 
Russian state had collapsed, the first time in 1917. So to recreate the 
stability, prosperity, greatness, whatever that means in Russia at home, and in 
the process, restore Russia’s traditional zones of national security on its 
borders; that means Ukraine as well. He did not create this Ukrainian crisis; 
it was imposed on him, and he had no choice but to react. 

Zakaria: You say he’s actually one of the most liberal rulers of Russia in its 

Cohn: I wouldn’t put it that way, I mean, I wouldn’t use the word liberal. What 
I would say is if we view Putin in the context of the last 400 years of Russian 
history, with the exception of Gorbachev and possibly the first post-Soviet 
president Yeltsin, though there’s an argument there, Putin is the least 
authoritarian let’s call him the most "soft" authoritarian, of Russian rulers 
in centuries. And by the way, in so far as it matters, because Jews, and the 
status of Jews in Russia, is often a barometer of how Russia rulership treats 
its society, Putin has been better for Russian Jews than any in Russian 
history, and if you want evidence of that, just ask Israel.

Zakaria: What about the new imperialism? Why should it be taken as a given that 
Russia should send troops into parts of Georgia, into parts of Ukraine, every 
time it feels it has been adversely affected? That does seem neo-imperialist, 

Cohen: Fareed, we could argue this for hours. We could do the analogy. What if 
suddenly, Russian power showed up in Canada and Mexico, and provinces of Canada 
and Mexico said they were going to join Putin’s Eurasian economic union and 
maybe even his military bloc? Surely the American president would have to react 
as forcefully as Putin has.

If Canada wanted to start a trade relationship with Russia . I do not believe 
that the American president would want to send troops into Canada. But if it 
was a trade relationship that excluded preferential trade with the United 
States, it would certainly create a crisis. 

But let’s get back to Ukraine. Brzezinski and Albright said, for example, that 
the current government in Kiev is legitimate. Putin says it’s not legitimate. I 
would argue that if you had on your show a panel of constitutional 
international lawyers, they would be hard-put to explain how a government which 
is legitimate, overthrew the entire Ukrainian constitutional order, deposed the 
elected president, has been passing anti-Russian legislation in Kiev, and which 
is at least partially controlled by very extremist forces in the streets. That 
would be hard to explain.



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