NATO, not Russia, threatens Baltics: Moscow

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Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:16PM

File photo shows NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, during a meeting of 
NATO ambassadors.

Moscow has rejected the British defense secretary's allegation that Russia 
poses a threat to the Baltic countries, saying the real risk comes from NATO's 
increased activity.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Alexander Lukashevich, said Thursday that 
British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon's remarks are beyond "diplomatic 

"The comments of Mr. Fallon of course are already beyond diplomatic ethics and 
the characterization of Russia is completely intolerable," Lukashevich added.

The Russian diplomat, who was speaking to journalists in a weekly briefing, 
said Moscow would certainly find a way “to respond to the comments”.

In an interview with Times and Daily Telegraph newspapers, Fallon (pictured 
above) had claimed that Russia's President Vladimir Putin posed what he called 
a real danger to Baltic states, namely Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

This comes as British jets were scrambled Wednesday after two Russian military 
aircraft were seen flying close to the UK airspace.

A similar incident occurred in January, when the UK Foreign Office said two 
Russian bombers flying near the UK airspace had caused disruption to civil 

British Prime Minister David Cameron later said he didn't deem it necessary to 
“dignify” the Russians with a response for their provocation.


Meanwhile, Estonia’s Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas (pictured above) announced 
Thursday that his country is to host additional NATO forces on its soil. He 
said the country is ready to make an special investment program worth €40 
million for hosting the additional forces.

NATO and Russia are already at loggerheads over the crisis in east Ukraine 
which has claimed the lives of more than 5,700 people. Hopes were revived after 
leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France agreed on a truce deal last 
Thursday in the Belarusian capital of Minsk. However, clashes have continued 
with the two sides claiming that they are committed to implementing the 

Western governments accuse Russia of having a major hand in the armed 
confrontation in east Ukraine. Moscow denies that, saying that the 
Western-backed government in Kiev should stop suppressing the rights of the 
ethnic Russian population in that part of the country.


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