Veteran US journalist slams Israeli propaganda 

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Sat Mar 7, 2015 2:14PM


Veteran US journalist and former CNN anchor Jim Clancy has spoken out against 
the Israeli media less than two months after stepping down from the news 


Veteran US journalist and former CNN anchor Jim Clancy has spoken out against 
the Israeli media less than two months after stepping down from the news 
network following his anti-Israeli tweets.

Clancy told Lebanese journalists in Beirut on Friday that the Israeli media is 
particularly well-funded and is acting in an organized manner in their 
propaganda campaign, according to The Daily Star.

The veteran journalist noted, however, that the Israeli lobby’s propaganda 
efforts have failed because an increasing number of young people on university 
campuses across the US now support the Palestinian cause.

“Hasbara [propaganda] funding has increased for the Israeli lobby, but its 
propaganda efforts have failed. I mean the number of young people on campuses 
who now support the Palestinian cause has risen,” he told the audience.

Clancy resigned in January following angry exchanges on Twitter with 
pro-Israeli commentators.

He quit his job after he appeared to suggest that the Charlie Hebdo terror 
attacks in Paris were provoked by the magazine’s pro-Israel stance.

The former anchor noted Friday that he did not regret making the anti-Israeli 
comments because he “had enough.”

“I don’t have to put up with this... and I’m not going to. I’d had enough,” he 

“In my case I’d rather be Twitter-fried for telling the truth than held out for 
lying, saying I was somewhere I wasn't or claiming I saw people murdered who 
weren’t,” Clancy told The Daily Star.

Some who argued with him on Twitter have worked for the Israeli regime and 
pro-Israel lobby groups like AIPAC.

Clancy has been critical of the Israeli occupation and its treatment of 


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