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Ukraine Conflict Has Strained US-German Relations 

Alexander Mercouris 
2 hours ago | 


A few weeks ago we published on Russia Insider a discussion 
<>  I wrote about an 
article in Der Spiegel which gave important information about the 
Russian-German negotiations that led to the Minsk Memorandum of 12th February 

I explained how the article in Der Spiegel was undoubtedly written on the basis 
of information provided by Merkel’s office and that it confirmed a sea-change 
in German policy, with Germany looking to end at least the international part 
of the Ukrainian conflict by tacitly accepting that the Donbass has broken free 
of Kiev’s control and that Crimea is lost to Ukraine forever and by quietly 
ruling out any prospect of Ukraine ever joining NATO or the EU.

Der Spiegel has now published another article <>  which 
shows the extent of the split between Germany and the US that is now emerging.

Firstly, it is important to say that this article, just like the previous 
article published by Der Spiegel, clearly originates from Merkel’s office.  It 
repeatedly uses phrases like “German leaders in Berlin were stunned”, “the 
German government is alarmed”, “sources in the Chancellery have referred…..” 
“many in the Chancellery simply shake their heads….” etc, which confirm that 
the article derives from briefings made at the highest level of the German 

The article also provides details of information being passed to the German 
government by the German intelligence service the BND, which would not be made 
public without the specific permission of the German government and almost 
certainly of Merkel herself.

The fact this article originates with the German government is important 
because its contents are incendiary.

What the article does is all but accuse NATO’s military leadership of lying 
about the extent of Russian military involvement in Ukraine as part of a plot 
hatched by hardline insiders in NATO and Washington such as General Breedlove 
and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to undermine the Minsk peace 
process so as to restart the war in Ukraine with Ukraine this time armed with 
US weapons.  The article represents Obama as an isolated and hapless figure who 
has all but lost control of the US government.

Many of those who regularly read Russia Insider may question the importance of 
this.  After all we have been saying the same thing for months.

The point is that up to now the US and German governments have gone out of 
their way to give an impression of perfect unity.  

What the article in Der Spiegel shows is this is no longer the case, if it ever 
was.  The fact the article was written at all hints at the furious rows that 
are taking place between them behind the scenes.  

We know that at the recent security conference in Munich Victoria Nuland 
furiously denounced 
<>  Germany’s 
Ukraine policy at a private meeting with US senators and diplomats.  The 
article in Der Spiegel shows the Germans are hitting back.  The comments in Der 
Spiegel about Nuland show she is in their sights.

The article however also shows how dangerous the situation has now become.  The 
picture it gives of the mood in Washington is a very alarming one - of a war 
party almost completely out of control and itching for a fight that European 
governments led by Germany almost unanimously see as calamitous.  One gets from 
the article a sense the Germans feel the Americans have taken leave of their 
senses.  Thus we read comments like "many in the Chancellery simply shake their 

The fact Washington appears to have put a brake on its “training mission” to 
Ukraine may mean that under German and European pressure the moderates in 
Washington have once again won out.  Putting pressure on Washington to stop the 
“training mission” by making disagreements public may even have been the 
intention behind the article in Der Spiegel.  

If so, then the picture the article paints of the situation in Washington 
suggests the respite will be only a temporary one.  The moderates seem to be 
struggling to hold the line against a war party that is increasingly in the 

The big question is, if Washington opts for war, what will Germany do? 

On the strength of the article in Der Spiegel and the stance Merkel has been 
taking since Minsk, it seems most likely that despite the pressure Germany will 
in the end oppose the war, just as it previously opposed the Iraq war.  If so 
then NATO could soon be looking at the biggest split in its history. 


Source URL (retrieved on 03/09/2015 - 18:09):

[3] //
 Conflict Has Strained US-German Relations&topic=political_opinion


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