Putin in film on Crimea: US masterminds behind Ukraine coup, helped train 

Published time: March 15, 2015 14:18 
Edited time: March 15, 2015 15:25 

Get short URL <http://rt.com/news/240921-us-masterminds-ukraine-putin/>  

Vladimir Putin (Screenshot from 'Crimea - The Way Home' documentary aired by 
Rossiya 1 news channel)

The Ukrainian armed coup was organized from Washington, Russian President 
Vladimir Putin stated in an interview for a new documentary aired Sunday. The 
Americans tried to hide behind the Europeans, but Moscow saw through the trick, 
he added.

“The trick of the situation was that outwardly the [Ukrainian] opposition was 
supported mostly by the Europeans. But we knew for sure that the real 
masterminds were our American friends,”Putin said in a documentary, 'Crimea - 
The Way Home,' aired by Rossiya 1 news channel. 

“They helped training the nationalists, their armed groups, in Western Ukraine, 
in Poland and to some extent in Lithuania,” he added. “They facilitated the 
armed coup.” 

Putin said this approach was far from being the best dealing with any country, 
and a post-Soviet country like Ukraine specifically. Such countries have a 
short record of living under a new political system and remain fragile. 
Violating constitutional order in such a country inevitably deal a lot of 
damage to its statehood, the president said. 

Read moreUS boosting ‘anti-propaganda’ budget, mulling ‘increase of lethality’ 
for Ukraine support – Nuland 

“The law was thrown away and crashed. And the consequences were grave indeed. 
Part of the country agreed to it, while another part wouldn’t accept it. The 
country was shattered,” Putin explained. 

He also accused the beneficiaries of the coup of planning an assassination of 
then-President Viktor Yanukovich. Russia was prepared to act to ensure his 
escape, Putin said. 

“I invited the heads of our special services, the Defense Ministry and ordered 
them to protect the life of the Ukrainian president. Otherwise he would have 
been killed,” he said, adding that at one point Russian signal intelligence, 
which was tracking the president’s motorcade route, realized that he was about 
to be ambushed. 

Yanukovich himself didn’t want to leave and rejected the offer to be evacuated 
from Donetsk, Putin said. Only after spending several days in Crimea and 
realizing that “there was no one he could negotiate with in Kiev” he asked to 
be taken to Russia. 

Viktor Yanukovich after a news conference in Rostov-on-Don (RIA Novosti)

The Russian president personally ordered preparation of the Crimean special 
operation the morning after Yanukovich fled, saying that “we cannot let the 
[Crimean] people be pushed under the steamroller of the nationalists.” 

“I [gave them] their tasks, told them what to do and how we must do it, and 
stressed that we would only do it if we were absolutely sure that this is what 
the people living in Crimea want us to do,” Putin said. He added that an 
emergency public opinion poll indicated that at least 75 percent of the people 
wanted to join Russia. 

“Our goal was not to take Crimea by annexing it. Our final goal was to allow 
the people express their wishes on how they want to live,” he said. 

“I decided for myself: what the people want will happen. If they want greater 
autonomy with some extra rights within Ukraine, so be it. If they decide 
otherwise, we cannot fail them. You know the results of the referendum. We did 
what we had to do,” Putin said. 

READ MORE: 95.7% of Crimeans in referendum voted to join Russia - preliminary 
results <http://rt.com/news/crimea-vote-join-russia-210/>  

He added that his personal involvement helped expedite things, because the 
people carrying out his decision had no reason to hesitate. 

According to Putin, part of the operation was to deploy K-300P Bastion coastal 
defense missiles to demonstrate Russia’s willingness to protect the peninsula 
from military attack. 

“We deployed them in a way that made them seen clearly from space,” Putin said. 

The president assured that the Russian military were prepared for any 
developments and would have armed nuclear weapons if necessary. He personally 
was not sure that Western nations would not use military force against Russia, 
he added. 

A tent camp of the supporters of Ukraine's integration with the EU on Maidan 
Square in Kiev where clashes between protesters and police began in February 
18, 2014 (RIA Novosti / Alexey Furman)

The Russian president said the move to send Russian troops to secure Crimea and 
allow a referendum to be freely held there prevented major bloodshed on the 

“Considering the ethnic composition of the Crimean population, the violence 
there would have been worse [than in Kiev]. We had to act to prevent negative 
development, not to allow tragedies like the one that happened in Odessa, where 
dozens of people were burned alive,” Putin said. 

Read moreAs part of Russian territory Crimea can host nuclear weapons – Foreign 
Ministry <http://rt.com/politics/239669-crimea-nuclear-weapons-ministry/> 

He acknowledged that there were some Crimean people, particularly members of 
the Crimean Tatar minority, who opposed the Russian operation. 

“Some of the Crimean Tatars were under the influence of their leaders, some of 
whom are so to speak ‘professional’ fighters for the rights of the Tatars,” he 

But at the same time the “Crimean militia worked together with the Tatars. And 
there were Tatars among the militia members,” he stressed. 

The Crimean people voted in a referendum to join Russia after rejecting a 
coup-imposed government that took power in Kiev in February 2014. The move 
sparked a major international controversy, as the new government’s foreign 
backers accused Russia of annexing the peninsula through military force. 

Moscow insists that the move was a legitimate act of self-determination and 
that the Russian troops acted only to provide security and not as an occupying 
force. Russian officials cite the example of Kiev’s military crackdown on the 
dissenting eastern Donetsk and Lugansk regions, which claimed more than 6,000 
lives since April 2014, as an example of bloodshed that Russia acted to prevent 
in Crimea. 


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