ON TARGET: Crimea, one year later

Published March 23, 2015 - 10:04am 

It has been just over one year since Russian President Vladimir Putin 
orchestrated the virtually bloodless annexation of Crimea.

At that juncture, Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine’s elected president, had just been 
ousted by pro-West protesters following months of violent demonstrations in the 
streets of Kiev.

With Yanukovych officially deposed by a vote in parliament, the long-standing 
divisions within Ukraine rose to the fore. Ukrainians living east of the 
Dnieper River, many of them ethnic Russians, began their own violent 
demonstrations in rejection of the new interim administration in Kiev.

In the midst of this political turmoil and instability, Russian military 
personnel based in Crimea moved quickly to surround and disarm Ukrainian 
military garrisons with whom they shared the strategic peninsula.

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and independence of Ukraine in 1991, 
Russia had been leasing the port of Sebastopol, the home base for the Russian 
navy’s Black Sea fleet.

In April 2010, the two countries negotiated the Kharkiv Pact and an extension 
of the lease until 2042. However, with Kiev under new management and 
threatening closer ties to the West, the Kremlin was taking no chances over any 
future eviction notice.

Despite the fact that the Ukrainian military outnumbered the Russians, they 
surrendered their weapons and bases without firing a single shot. In fact, the 
majority of the Ukrainian military personnel who were detained voluntarily 
re-enlisted in the Russian military, where they would receive a considerably 
more lucrative salary.

Those Ukrainian soldiers wishing to leave Crimea were allowed to do so, along 
with the majority of their major weapons systems, such as tanks and fighter 

To give an element of legitimacy to his annexation, Putin staged a hasty 
referendum in March 2014 that produced a result of over 95 per cent of the 
popular vote in favour of uniting Crimea to Russia.

This resulted in international howls of indignation, with Canada’s then-foreign 
affairs minister, John Baird, likening Putin to Adolf Hitler. 

Hillary Clinton, the American secretary of state, blustered that “You can’t 
simply redraw the lines of the map of Europe.” This would, of course, be news 
to any student of 20th-century history.

The Treaty of Versailles, following the First World War, saw the creation of 
numerous independent countries and territories that once belonged to the 
vanquished German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires, while the Russian 
Bolsheviks, in turn, annexed territory to create the Soviet Union.

Ditto the end of the Second World War, when the victors rewarded allies and 
punished foes by redrawing the maps. Then came the collapse of the Soviet Union 
in 1991, which coincided with the start of the breakup of Yugoslavia and the 
division of the Czech and Slovak republics, not to mention the reunification of 
East and West Germany.

While many of these developments were bloodless, it was a different story in 
both the former Yugoslavia and the Caucasus. The bitter civil wars and border 
disputes in these two regions remain simmering global hot spots and frozen 

As for redrawing maps, it was Hillary Clinton’s husband, then-president Bill 
Clinton, who was instrumental in leading NATO’s intervention against Serbia in 
the spring of 1999. After a 78-day bombing campaign that killed more than 1,200 
innocent civilians, Serbia capitulated and allowed NATO troops to enter the 
disputed province of Kosovo.

The Americans immediately began the construction of an enormous military base 
known as Camp Bondsteel, which remains a strategic foothold in the Balkans.

In February 2008, the ethnic Albanian Kosovar majority unilaterally declared 
independence and the United States was the first nation to redraw the map of 
Europe by recognizing the newly created state of Kosovo. Unlike Crimea, there 
was no referendum. 

The thankful Albanian Kosovars officially recognized the contributions to the 
creation of their country. In Pristina, Kosovo’s capital, there is a 
seven-storey portrait of a smiling Bill Clinton on Hillary Clinton Way.

In 2015, however, times are tough in Kosovo. Since last fall, a mass exodus of 
young Albanians has been underway, flooding into Europe, complaining of 
poverty, unemployment and widespread corruption in their new country.

This couldn’t be further from the one-year litmus test taken among the newly 
annexed residents of Crimea. Obviously hoping to prove dissatisfaction with the 
annexation, a Canadian government-funded survey of 800 Crimean residents taken 
in January proved the exact opposite. The poll revealed that 82 per cent fully 
supported the annexation, 11 per cent partly supported it and a mere four per 
cent opposed it. The majority also reported that their standard of living had 
improved in the last year.

That evil Putin has some nerve gobbling up territory and making people happy.

About the Author


Scott Taylor is editor of Esprit de Corps magazine

E-Mail: stay...@herald.ca <mailto:stay...@herald.ca> 
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