April 22, 2015 | 15:46 

Official comments on idea of annulling verdict against Thaci

Source: Tanjug 

BELGRADE -- "Somebody should show an interest in the crimes committed against 
Serbs in the province (Kosovo)," says Serbian Government Kosovo Office Director 
Marko Djuric.


He in this way reacted to  
<http://www.b92.net/eng/news/crimes.php?yyyy=2015&mm=04&dd=22&nav_id=93878> the 
suggestion voiced by Austrian MEP and EP rapporteur for Kosovo Ulrike Lunacek 
that Serbia should annul the guilty verdict against Hashim Thaci, and the 
arrest warrant stemming from it.

"I don't know if it's in line with European standards to comment on court 
decisions, and much less on orders issued by a war crimes prosecutor," he noted 
during a news conference where he presented the report on the progress in the 
Kosovo dialogue. 

Djuric stated that the decisions concerning Thaci are valid, made by Serbia's 
judicial institutions, and that  
Belgrade informed authorities in the province of this, "and of its dedication 
to implement them if need be." 

Thaci, a former KLA leader who now serves as Kosovo's foreign minister and 
deputy prime minister, was informed last week that he would be arrested if he 
came to Belgrade, based on a 1998 court ruling that found him guilty of 

"How come it never occurred to any of those who are today asking such 
questions, like Lunacek, to show an interest in whether the so-called terrorist 
KLA perhaps committed some war crimes in Kosovo and Metohija," asked Djuric. 

Instead of the issue of annulling the verdict against Thaci, he continued, "it 
would be incomparably more useful if somebody showed an interest in shedding 
light on the fate of the thousands of missing persons in Kosovo, and those who 
are responsible for driving out 250,000 Serbs and burning down tens of 
thousands of homes, and who are perhaps even to this day sitting in some 
responsible positions in Pristina." 

Djuric added that "commenting on court decisions is not a domain of politicians 
- especially not of those who were not witnesses to the war events in Kosovo in 


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