Enjoying the Low Life?

Nicholas Kristof - The New York Times



... The Social Progress Index for 2015 ranks the United States 16th in the 
world. We may thump our chests and boast that we're No. 1, and in some ways we 
are. But, in important ways, we lag. The index ranks the United States 30th in 
life expectancy, 38th in saving children's lives, and a humiliating 55th in 
women surviving childbirth ... We have higher traffic fatality rates than 37 
other countries, and higher suicide rates than 80 ... The top countries in the 
2015 Social Progress Index are Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Iceland, New 
Zealand and Canada. Of the 133 countries rated, Central African Republic is 
last, just after Chad and Afghanistan ... As an American, what saddens me is 
also that our political system seems unable to rise to the challenges.

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