Croatian member of the European Union Parliament, Mrs. Ruza Tomasic, without 
fear that she could be criticized in the European Union institutions or by one 
of the prosecutors of international tribunals, uttered a threat that already 
had been used in Nazi-Germany (in WWII) when genocide over the Serbs, Roma and 
Jews was done. The genocide was performed by the Independent State of Croatia 
from 1941 to 1945 against Serbs, Roma and Jews (google: Jasenovac).

The crime of genocide against Serbs was repeated once again from 1990 to 1995 
in Croatia : in addition to the mass killings, almost the entire Serbian 
population of about 800,000 Serbs from the Republic of Serbian Krajina (UN 
Protected Zones) and other Croatian cities were expelled. Especially, the large 
number of Serbs were expelled from Zagreb; all their movable and immovable 
property was seized. And this new Croatian genocide against Orthodox Serbs, was 
presented to the UN and the European Union institutions - it means, that 
international organisations have  supported this Croatian genocid against the 
Orthodox Serbs.

If the European Union would not support the Croatian genocide against Serbs, 
its parliament would have called for accountability its Croatian member, Mrs. 
Ruza Tomasic, who, at the time of the controversy,literally, publicly stated 
that Serbs remaining in the occupied Republic Serbian Krajina, could be driven 
out. She said about remaining Serbs in Croatia:

"We could have a lot of Serbs who should turn to Serbia".

The Government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina in exile, calls on the UN, 
EU, OSCE and other international organizations, to deal with this fascist 
statements by the Croatian member of the Parliament of EU. Neglect of this 
declaration in the UN and EU institutions, will mark all them as collaborators 
and perpetrators of the crime of genocide against Serbs as the international 
law provides it.



Milorad Buha, Prime Minister

Dipl. Eng. Rajko Ležaić, President of the Assembly


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