Sott Exclusive: Full unedited text of Vladimir Putin's interview with Charlie 
Rose: What CBS left out 

Harrison Koehli <> 
Tue, 29 Sep 2015 09:14 UTC



© Presidential Press and Information Office


The day before his much-anticipated address to the UN General Assembly on 
Monday, CBS broadcast Charlie Rose's interview with Russian President Vladimir 
Putin for its season premiere of 60 Minutes. Understandably, the interview was 
cut and edited to fit in the 20-minute slot available in the program. But now 
that the full transcript has been made available on the Kremlin website 
<> , it's fascinating to 
see just what was cut. We're including the full transcript below, with comments 
identifying which parts were not included in the final broadcast, or as special 
online clips. 

>From single sentences to entire exchanges, some of the exclusions are 
>noteworthy. For example, practically the whole of Putin's commentary on the 
>Minsk agreements was not aired. Nor were Putin's pointed comments on Libya and 
>Syria, his observation that the U.S.'s actions in those countries was a 
>blatant violation of international law, and his suggestion that "somebody 
>wants to use either certain units of ISIS or ISIS in general in order to 
>overthrow al-Assad and only then think about how to get rid of ISIS." Other 
>exchanges, such as Putin's views on sanctions and gay rights, were broadcast 
>online, but not in the final program. 

You can view what CBS chose to broadcast on their website, and read the 
relevant transcript of their translation, here 



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