
Jeremy Corbyn tells Labour: don’t accept injustice, stand up to prejudice

Patrick Wintour

Jeremy Corbyn has used his introductory speech to Labour conference
<>  to tell the British
people they “never have to take what they are given”, as he promised to stir
up discontent across Britain against injustice and prejudice.

A different approach to politics, the state of the economy, foreign
relations, Trident and British values were at the heart of the Labour
leader’s address. Here we decode Corbyn’s speech to the conference and the

Much of the one-hour address in Brighton was dedicated to spelling out his
“kinder politics” and designed to introduce his political values and brand
of patriotism to the British public.

Ending his speech, Corbyn said: “Don’t accept injustice, stand up against
prejudice. Let us build a kinder politics, a more caring society together.
Let us put our values, the people’s values, back into politics.”

He also used the speech to assert his authority within Labour by saying he
had a personal mandate from his election as party leader to oppose a new
generation of nuclear weapons to replace Trident
nt-labour-conference-speech> .

His remarks on nuclear arms will alarm those shadow cabinet members who
believed the party conference had agreed not to change the existing defence
policy and had been given personal assurances that Corbyn would not impose
his views on his colleagues.

But, to cheers, the Labour <>
leader told the conference: “I don’t believe £100bn on a new generation of
nuclear weapons taking up a quarter of our defence budget is the right way

Corbyn is understood to regard unilateral disarmament as a red line and the
most important issue on which he had campaigned for the leadership. He has
been forced to retreat on a variety of other policy issues and a battle
looks certain as the shadow defence secretary, Maria Eagle, starts a review
that may need to come to conclusions ahead of a vote on renewing Trident
<>  in the Commons next year.

But he faced criticism when it emerged that parts of the more ideological
sections of the speech were written several years ago
er-originality-conference-labour>  by a former adviser to Denis Healey.

There were emollient parts of the address, in which he praised his defeated
leadership rivals Liz Kendall, Yvette Cooper and Andy Burnham. His
predecessor as leader, Ed Miliband, was singled out for his “courage and

Corbyn appeared on stage wearing a tie and brown jacket, and repeatedly told
the British people that they could challenge and improve society. He said:
“You don’t have to be grateful to survive in a world made by others.” 

Democracy, he said, in an echo of Tony Benn, was about setting the terms for
people in power over you and dismissing them when they failed you. He also
cited the authors Maya Angelou, Ben Okri and Labour
gelou-ben-okri-keir-hardie> ’s first party leader, Keir Hardie.

However, he offered the party no explanation for Labour’s severe election
defeat in May 2015. He also made no reference to immigration and, like Ed
Miliband in his final conference speech in 2014, omitted any mention of the
need to reduce the deficit in the public finances. 

Corbyn also highlighted several policy promises including: 

• A call for David Cameron to come to the aid of steel workers facing job
losses on Teesside “as the Italian government has done” with their industry.

• A promise to make every school accountable to local education authorities,
in effect ending free schools and academies as currently structured.

• Making resolution of the housing crisis his top priority with a very large
and active housebuilding programme, including 100,000 new council houses.

• An offer to expand statutory maternity and paternity pay to self-employed
people, as part of a commitment to adapt to a changing labour market.

• A plan to bring private rail franchises into public ownership as they

The speech also contained longer passages on foreign policy and human rights
than in Ed Miliband’s speeches, and challenged Cameron to act personally
over Ali Mohammed al-Nimr
ns-and-why-corbyn-opposes-it> , a protester who faces the death penalty in
Saudi Arabia for a crime he allegedly committed aged 17.

He offered no direct apology for Tony Blair’s invasion of Iraq but said: “It
didn’t help our national security when we went to war with Iraq
<>  in defiance of the United Nations
and on a false prospectus.

“It didn’t help our national security to endure the loss of hundreds of
brave British soldiers in that war while making no proper preparation for
what to do after the fall of the regime.” 

He also tried to drive home his message about a new kind of politics with a
call for greater civility online, saying his aim was to “bring the values
back into politics” in comments that drew a standing ovation. 

But Corbyn insisted that the party would use social media to circumvent what
he characterised as a largely hostile press. He said: “Treat people with
respect. Treat people as you wish to be treated yourself. Listen to their
views, agree or disagree, but have that debate. There is going to be no
rudeness from me.”

Within an hour of completing the speech, Corbyn ran into controversy after
it emerged that parts of his speech had been published on a blog written in
2011 by Labour activist Richard Heller.

The passages had been sent by Heller to the Corbyn office a fortnight ago
for possible inclusion in the speech. The activist had sent the same passage
to Ed Miliband in 2011, and had offered versions of it to every leader since
Neil Kinnock.

Heller had not been aware that the passages would be picked up, but told the
Guardian that he was delighted that they were used
eader-conference-speech> . A Labour spokesman said that the leader’s team
“had liked some of his ideas” and sourced some of his material.

Speaking for the Conservatives, Michael Gove, the justice secretary, said:
“Labour have confirmed that it is a threat to our national security, our
economic security and to the security of every family in Britain. The Labour
leader’s policies to borrow more, print money and put up taxes on people’s
jobs and incomes would wreck our economy.”

Len McCluskey, the Unite general secretary, whose union supported Corbyn in
the leadership contest, said: “Today Jeremy treated us to a different kind
of politics, and I believe people will like what they see. Principle,
honesty, fairness and dignity – our lifelong Labour values – are taking
their rightful place in the public realm.”


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