
Global Anti-ISIS Alliance Begins to Emerge

Nathan Hodge in Moscow, William Horobin in Paris and Philip Shishkin in 

Updated Nov. 17, 2015 11:27 p.m. ET 

France, Russia and the U.S. moved beyond talk of cooperation and into the far 
more difficult realm of action, as the “grand and single coalition” French 
President François Hollande called for to combat Islamic State began coming 
into view.

President Barack Obama said Wednesday that if Russia shifts its military 
strategy in Syria to focus on Islamic State, the U.S. would welcome cooperation 
with Moscow 
  on an intensified military campaign. He said he conveyed that message to 
Russian President Vladimir Putin 
<>  in a meeting in Turkey 
earlier this week.

“That is something that we very much want to see,” Mr. Obama said while in the 
Philippines for a summit of Asian nations.

Mr. Hollande telephoned his Russian counterpart Tuesday to discuss possible 
joint plans, and made arrangements to visit Washington and Moscow next week to 
pursue the formation of a major new alliance 
 . France launched a third round of airstrikes Tuesday night against Islamic 
State’s de facto capital of Raqqa, Syria, while waves of Russian warplanes and 
cruise missiles struck the same area in the daytime.

The effort could yet dissolve, as major problems—especially the legacy of 
Russia’s involvement in Ukraine and discord over Syria’s future—haven’t gone 
away. The involvement of Arab allies with overlapping and uneven agendas 
complicates regional diplomacy.

But among the signs of potential progress, Russia gave Washington advance 
notice of its airstrikes Tuesday—the first time it had done so since the 
Russian bombing campaign started Sept. 30. U.S. officials said Russia conducted 
between 12 and 20 strikes Tuesday—some cruise missiles from Russian ships and 
some strikes by TU-22 backfire bombers. 

Moscow’s determination on Tuesday that a bomb had destroyed a Russian jetliner 
last month over Egypt accentuated the appearance of common cause.

Mr. Putin now is looking less like a global pariah and more like the 
indispensable man for a combined global effort to tackle Islamic State.

A short time ago, cooperation was nearly unthinkable. Following Russia’s move 
last year to annex the Crimean peninsula, the U.S. and its European allies 
imposed economic sanctions on Moscow. Ever since, the North Atlantic Treaty 
Organization has been in the midst of refocusing its energies on countering the 
potential military threat from Russia.

Starting in September, Mr. Putin has played an aggressive hand to shift the 
geopolitical balance 

Days after he called for a unified front against Islamic State at the United 
Nations, the Russian military launched its own airstrikes in Syria, angering 
Washington. The Obama administration said Russia’s military efforts appeared 
primarily aimed at propping up the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, 
and focused little on hitting Islamic State. The U.S., France and other Arab 
and Western allies want Mr. Assad out.

The Paris attacks on Friday, with their Sept. 11-style resonance for France, 
created an opening for Mr. Putin.

Aleksei Pushkov, the head of the Russian parliament’s foreign affairs 
committee, said they were forcing Moscow and the West closer together. 

“We have had disagreements in the past, in the 1930s, but that didn’t stop us 
from creating a coalition against Hitler, and it was effective,” Mr. Pushkov 
said Tuesday in Brussels, according to the Russian news agency Interfax. 
“Today, we also need to form a new coalition against this qualitatively new 

In the U.K., Prime Minister David Cameron 
<>  said he would lay out the 
case to his Parliament in the coming days for joining international efforts 
against Islamic State in Syria. In Germany, a threatened terrorist attack 
forced the cancellation of a soccer game Tuesday, and likely will add to a 
national discussion over that country’s role in the counterterrorism campaign.

“What’s happening is precisely what we’ve wanted to happen: more contributions 
from allies like France to the counter-ISIL campaign, and more of a focus on 
ISIL from Russia in its air campaign,” a senior Obama administration official 
said, using an acronym for Islamic State. “As to going forward, we’ll want to 
make sure this is coupled with continued cooperation from Russia on the Vienna 

Leaders of more than a dozen countries have been meeting in Vienna to plot a 
possible political resolution to the crisis in Syria. Mr. Obama said Russia has 
been a “constructive partner” in diplomatic talks in Vienna about Syria, 
although the two leaders still disagree on the future of Bashar al-Assad, the 
Syrian president.

But some Western military and political leaders remain uneasy about Mr. Putin. 
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday sounded notes of caution.

“Russia can play a constructive role in Syria, but what we have seen so far is 
most of their military actions have been targeted not in ISIL controlled 
areas,” he said. “The effort should be about fighting ISIL, not supporting the 
regime, which is what Russia has done so far.”

Current and former Obama administration officials expressed a similar 
sentiment, cautioning that obstacles to meaningful cooperation remain, chief 
among them the issue of Mr. Assad’s future.

“As long as Putin’s theory of the conflict is inverse of what the rest of the 
world thinks, it’s impossible for me to see that there would be any military 
cooperation with the Russians,” Derek Chollet, former assistant secretary of 
defense, said Monday. “What could happen diplomatically is Russia could deliver 
Assad, get him to agree to a process that would lead to his departure.”

A Russian diplomat familiar with the Middle East said the Paris attacks opened 
the door toward a U.S.-Russian rapprochement, but also cautioned that Moscow’s 
cooperation proposals are “suspended in the air” without a formal U.S. response.

Washington’s Mideast allies have split over whether to cooperate with both the 
U.S. and Russia.

Countries most supportive of Syria’s moderate, anti-Assad rebels—Turkey, Saudi 
Arabia and Qatar—still want an exit date set for Mr. Assad, even if he’s 
allowed to stay in power during a transition, according to U.S. and Mideast 

Other American allies, including Jordan, Egypt, Israel and the United Arab 
Emirates, have become more accepting of the role Russia is playing.

“For a political solution in Syria, Moscow is key,” Jordan’s King Abdullah II 
said in an interview with Euronews last week. “They are the ones that can give 
the guarantees to the regime that they have a stake in the future.”

Iran is another potential wild card, for Western countries and their Arab 
allies, but also possibly for Russia.

Iranian diplomats have said in recent days that they have blocked efforts by 
the U.S. and others to prevent Mr. Assad from running for re-election.

Iran’s deputy foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, told state media on 
Sunday that during talks in Vienna, Iran “stressed unequivocally that only 
Assad himself can decide on his participation or nonparticipation in the 

The position seems to signal an emerging fissure in the Iranian-Russian 
alliance on Syria, U.S. and European officials said. Moscow has shown more 
willingness to accept a settlement that blocks Mr. Assad from running for 
re-election, they said. 

“There are signs that they don’t share long-term interests,” said a senior 
European diplomat who attended the Vienna talks.

—Carol E. Lee in Antalya, Turkey, and Jay Solomon in Washington contributed to 
this article. 

Write to Nathan Hodge at <> , 
William Horobin at <>  
and Philip Shishkin at <> 


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