
Syria vote: Cameron and Corbyn clash over air strikes - BBC News


Media captionLive: BBC News coverage as Syria air strikes are approved 


David Cameron has told MPs that bombing so-called Islamic State in Syria will 
"keep the British people safe" as MPs debated the case for military action.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said the prime minister's case "doesn't stack up" 
and could make the situation worse.

But shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn received sustained applause across the 
House when he urged Labour MPs to "confront the evil" posed by IS.

A 10-hour Commons debate has ended with a vote on endorsing action due shortly.

A separate amendment seeking to block air strikes was defeated by 390 votes to 

During the debate, Mr Cameron faced calls to apologise for saying opponents of 
military action were "terrorist sympathisers", with Mr Corbyn saying it 
"demeaned" his office.

The PM declined to apologise, but said there was "honour" in voting for or 
against military action.

Air strikes could begin soon, if the Commons delivers what Mr Cameron hopes 
will be a majority after Mr Corbyn abandoned attempts to impose his opposition 
to military action on Labour and allowed his MPs a free vote.

Mr Cameron called on MPs to "answer the call from our allies" and take action 
against the "woman-raping, Muslim-murdering, medieval monsters" of IS, who he 
warned were "plotting to kill us and to radicalise our children right now".

He said MPs faced a simple question: "Do we work with our allies to degrade and 
destroy this threat and do we go after these terrorists in their heartlands 
from where they are plotting to kill British people, or do we sit back and wait 
for them to attack us?"

Media captionDavid Cameron insisted he was "not ignoring the risks" of military 
action in Syria Media captionJeremy Corbyn emphasised the "potentially 
far-reaching consequences" of the government's vote on intervention in Syria 
Media captionBenn's Syria speech applauded by MPs 

The prime minister also defended his controversial claim that there were 70,000 
moderate opposition fighters in Syria, saying it was the estimate of the Joint 
Intelligence Committee - the UK's senior intelligence body.

He said the majority were members of the Free Syrian Army and that there were a 
further 20,000 Kurdish fighters with whom Britain could also work.

He told MPs the forces were "not ideal, not as many as we would like, but they 
are people we can work with".

Mr Cameron also said that in future the UK government would be referring to IS 
as Daesh as much as possible, because "this evil death cult is neither a true 
representation of Islam nor is it a state".

Daesh has negative connotations in the Middle East and is seen by some as a way 
of challenging the legitimacy of the group. 

Media captionSNP's Robertson: I hope the PM regrets what he said Media 
captionLiam Fox: Relying on allies is 'national embarrassment' 

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn told MPs: "It is impossible to avoid the conclusion 
that the prime minister understands public opposition to his ill thought-out 
rush to war is growing - and wants to hold the vote before it slips from his 

"Whether it's the lack of a strategy worth the name, the absence of credible 
ground troops, the missing diplomatic plan for a Syrian settlement, the failure 
to address the impact on the terrorist threat or the refugee crisis and 
civilian casualties.

"It's become increasingly clear that the prime minister's proposals for 
military action simply do not stack up."

He disputed Mr Cameron's claim about ground troops, saying it was "quite clear 
there are no such forces" and only extremists would take advantage of the 
strikes against IS.

But shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn said the UK had a "moral and practical 
duty" to confront IS, telling MPs there were "rarely perfect circumstances in 
which to deploy military forces" but the "threat is now" and the UK must rise 
to the challenge.

Islamic State, he told MPs, were "fascists and fascists must be defeated". At 
the end of his 10-minute speech, Mr Benn was roundly applauded on the 
Conservative benches, although the reception among Labour MPs was more mixed. 

Three former Labour ministers - Alan Johnson, Dame Margaret Beckett and Yvette 
Cooper - also made speeches in favour of extending military action.

Mr Johnson, a former home secretary, said he believed IS had to be "confronted 
and destroyed if we are to properly defend our country and our way of life".

And he took a swipe at Jeremy Corbyn's supporters, saying: "I find this 
decision as difficult as anyone to make, I wish I had frankly the 
self-righteous certitude of the finger-jabbing representatives of our new and 
kinder type of politics, who will no doubt soon be contacting those of us who 
support this motion tonight."

Jeremy Corbyn's aides had said as many as 90 Labour MPs could vote to back the 
government motion 
 , although there is speculation it may actually be between 40 and 50. 

Media captionKeith Doyle joined anti-war protesters outside the Houses of 

Shadow home secretary Andy Burnham told BBC News he would be voting against air 
strikes as he believed they would make an attack in the UK more likely but he 
added: "I wouldn't rule out taking military action at some point."

Former Labour leader Ed Miliband will also vote against air strikes, telling 
the LabourList website they would not "defeat ISIL or make us safer here at 

Image caption One anti-war protester crawled under a lorry 

So far 11 Conservatives have said they oppose the prime minister's position.

Former shadow home secretary David Davis said allied air strikes against IS 
targets had achieved the "opposite" of their intended effect and the number of 
recruits to Daesh had doubled to 30,000 since they began - "one extra recruit 
for every target".

He said it was "debatable" whether allowing the RAF to strike targets in Syria 
"will make any difference at all" to the military effort.

Conservative MP John Baron warned MPs that "without a comprehensive strategy, 
air strikes will simply reinforce the West's long-term failure in the region".

Angus Robertson, the SNP's leader at Westminster, said: "I appeal to colleagues 
on all sides to make sure that we do not ignore the lessons of Afghanistan, 
ignore the lessons of Iraq, ignore the lessons of Libya. 

"Let's not repeat the mistakes of the past, let's not give the green light to 
military action without a comprehensive and credible plan to win the peace."

But Lib Dem leader Tim Farron warned against learning the wrong lessons from 
the "illegal, counterproductive war in Iraq", saying: "On balance it is right 
to take military action to degrade and defeat this evil death cult."



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