This Isn't a Just War -- It's 'Recreational Bombing' by Our Churchill Wannabe

Peter Hitchens - The Mail on Sunday (Britain)


... On the basis of an emotional spasm and a speech that was illogical and 
factually weak, we are rushing towards yet another swamp, from which we will 
struggle to extract ourselves and where we can do no conceivable good ... David 
Cameron is already suffering from galloping Churchill syndrome (the patient 
growls, denounces his critics as appeasers, and starts wars) ... The Prime 
Minister might have been better employed looking up Syria on a map, reading the 
relevant documents, or consulting with our former ambassador to Syria, Peter 
Ford - who energetically opposes what he denounces as 'recreational bombing'. 
In all these modern wars real experts are impatiently pushed aside, while 
flatterers and yes-men take over.

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